This video drove me up the fucking wall earlier on. It's weird that despite all the idiocy I know is out there, my usual exposure to the public forum is in Question Time, where most people tend to have at least similar views to myself. At worst you end up with somebody who says something ridiculously offensive about immigrants, then its all better when you shout at the screen, safe in the knowledge that everyone else in the audience probably thought they were a cunt.
This is bad because I honestly dont think the guy from CVG could've done any better than he did. He was calm, measured and mature while the other nutcase guests were making ignorant comments. It's nothing that isnt brought up regularly elsewhere on gaming news websites etc, but its still very strange to see 3 people basically attack a guest who isnt only in the right, but is being very classy in being right. I'm honestly not convinced I'd have had the patience in his shoes.
The whole thing irratated me - we found info on crazy people that played games and went around killing people afterwards. Although - no one could prove it was the games or movies that they watched that made them like that. Random studies on people playing wii games and wanting more hot suace?!! I personally think they were a little crazy to start with and couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I do feel kids are desensitiesed to thing now. But thats just the culture we live in rather than video games making us evil!
The guy from CVG did really well - and he is right. Things come with age ratings!! I am sure I even saw 50 cent on cribs not allow his kid to play one of the violent games due to the blood and the swearing!