For almost 2 weeks solid I've had this stuck in my head, which is especially weird because 3 weeks ago I didnt even like them. I've now bought their Best Of and am liking it a lot
Earlier on tonight I watched Chocolate. Its essentially Ong-Bak but with a little woman. Cracking stuff
Less than 2 weeks till my exam. Confident in some aspects but not in others. At the moment I think i might scrape it. I tend to vary pretty wildly with my playing, and some days I can be pulling off stuff that i never expected, while other days I'm fucking useless. Fingers crossed I'm the former on the 14th
Earlier on tonight I watched Chocolate. Its essentially Ong-Bak but with a little woman. Cracking stuff
Less than 2 weeks till my exam. Confident in some aspects but not in others. At the moment I think i might scrape it. I tend to vary pretty wildly with my playing, and some days I can be pulling off stuff that i never expected, while other days I'm fucking useless. Fingers crossed I'm the former on the 14th

I just work with what I'm given. Much like you, I expect hurr hurr hurr 

In case you didn't know yet, lookit!