5 of the past 6 days have been spent doing sweet fuck all. I've managed to bugger my sleep pattern quite considerably because of it, which means I should have fun when I go back to work tomorrow. Here's some boring occurances from the past few days
* Went to see Seafood last night. Was very good indeed, just a shame no fucker showed up because its exam week or some shit. I felt really bad for the band. The support band "Make Good Your Escape" were really good too. I picked up their CD from the merch table and got it home to find out that while its still good, it suffers from "discovered live" syndrome - wherein you see a new band live and their CD seems kinda tame by comparison.
* I managed to find a torrent of the new Strung Out album. Normally I'm dead against downloading music, especially with bands that I know could do with my money. I just got stupidly impatient and couldn't be arsed waiting until late June for the album to show up. I've got it on pre-order so its not like theyre missing out. Right?
* I dyed my hair red the other day. Depending on the light it seems to vary in colour from almost black to bright red. I guess thats what you get for being too damn lazy to bleach it first. Also stretched my ear up another size up to 4mm. It's now at the size where you can actually get decent stuff for it. I love having a job where they dont give a shit about my appearance.
* Stanley Cup finals are underway. Since San Jose blew it again I'm rooting for the Senators - purely out of hatred for the Ducks. Still can't get overly excited about the final, although I'm sure Tha_Matt probably is.
* Apparently my ex-girlfriend is back in town soon. She's back from uni and will be resuming her job in my local Morrisons because that way she can live at home. I'm strongly considering trying to get her back into bed because I remember it being pretty damn good - and it's not like my table is swamped with offers from other women. I'm sure that I'm looking back on it with rose-tinted glasses and it was infact a giant clusterfuck at the time - but its been like 8 months and I'll take what I can get
Now....back to the addictive and quite gruelling Command and Conquer 3
* Went to see Seafood last night. Was very good indeed, just a shame no fucker showed up because its exam week or some shit. I felt really bad for the band. The support band "Make Good Your Escape" were really good too. I picked up their CD from the merch table and got it home to find out that while its still good, it suffers from "discovered live" syndrome - wherein you see a new band live and their CD seems kinda tame by comparison.
* I managed to find a torrent of the new Strung Out album. Normally I'm dead against downloading music, especially with bands that I know could do with my money. I just got stupidly impatient and couldn't be arsed waiting until late June for the album to show up. I've got it on pre-order so its not like theyre missing out. Right?
* I dyed my hair red the other day. Depending on the light it seems to vary in colour from almost black to bright red. I guess thats what you get for being too damn lazy to bleach it first. Also stretched my ear up another size up to 4mm. It's now at the size where you can actually get decent stuff for it. I love having a job where they dont give a shit about my appearance.
* Stanley Cup finals are underway. Since San Jose blew it again I'm rooting for the Senators - purely out of hatred for the Ducks. Still can't get overly excited about the final, although I'm sure Tha_Matt probably is.
* Apparently my ex-girlfriend is back in town soon. She's back from uni and will be resuming her job in my local Morrisons because that way she can live at home. I'm strongly considering trying to get her back into bed because I remember it being pretty damn good - and it's not like my table is swamped with offers from other women. I'm sure that I'm looking back on it with rose-tinted glasses and it was infact a giant clusterfuck at the time - but its been like 8 months and I'll take what I can get

Now....back to the addictive and quite gruelling Command and Conquer 3
I would be even happier if the sens had a better start.
Two fucking close games, two losses.
Jesus i go to all the effort of making a tire explode and you call it boring.