So the latest two blog entries on here were written while I was on vacation. I didn't realize that my Instagram wasn't hooked up here, so unfortunately those fun pictures didn't post then, but hey, you can find them now. :D I will soon be writing about the aftermath of the trip, stay tuned!
So the latest two blog entries on here were written while I was on vacation. I didn't realize that my Instagram wasn't hooked up here, so unfortunately those fun pictures didn't post then, but hey, you can find them now. :D I will soon be writing about the aftermath of the trip, stay tuned!
The Here, The Now.
Peering out my balcony window, I did a double take.
My eyes sent signals to my brain that were nearly incomprehensible.
The fog, the clouds, the grey was encompassing the skyline.
It seemingly whispered to the city “Go ahead and invade my world, I will embrace you, but I will always win.”
The vast city I have stared at and fallen...
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Second Go Round
Waking up to a slight hangover after a fun night out is easily dealt with when in a city you love.
The trip so far has reacquainted me with two cities I feel that way about, Seattle was a quick go round for me, but still very cool. I remembered the hills there but I don’t know that my legs did. Wandering...
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I’m a Traveling Man
They say that a change of scenery can be good for the soul, and I have found that to be true. There is a different energy that comes from exploring somewhere else, somewhere that isn’t home. In May I went to my sister’s in California and when I returned, my batteries were recharged and I felt truly alive.
It is interesting...
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Okay, so a lot of time has come and gone since I last posted. Well, not a lot in the grand scheme of things. The world is millions upon millions of years old, and this was only like a month. It feels like it has been a long time though, because I am not stretching my writing muscles, not opening the flood gate of...
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Not all men?
It has been over a week since a young man decided to go on a shooting spree, all because the women he wanted, wouldn’t give him the time of day. A 22 year old man decided that he was tired of being the nice guy, and that he would go ahead and go after the sluts (his words) that had passed him...
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At the beginning of this year I knew there were three things that I looked forward to, the first of which happened a few weeks ago. That event was an Evening with Neil Gaiman at the Babcock Theater in Billings, Montana. I learned of the event long ago and anxiously awaited tickets going on sale, which they did last November. I was at work and...
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The Wonders of Reading
We have all heard that books can take you places you never knew existed. That half the joy of reading, is the adventure you go on. I have bought into that way of thinking, and I bought in long ago.
I have met all the creatures residing in Narnia. I have seen Paris bars and cafes after World War II ended....
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I have been thinking about pauses a lot lately, and namely what they mean to me, and how I use them.
What does it mean to pause?
Is it defined simply by taking a moment?
Does it have to be a moment of rest?
Or is it merely a function on a video game that allows us to walk away from an adventure? In my...
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