I'm on a bit of a high at the moment. Well, a lot of a high to be completely honest with you.
I've just spent three and a half days in the company of Perdy and it's been amazing. On thursday, we met up in Liverpool to go on a bit of a pub crawl (thanks Zombieelvis!!). Liverpool is a fantastic city, I know almost nothing about it, and was amazed at how cool it is there. But then again, the surroundings weren't really that important. I went home on Friday and was then pleasantly surprised by a message on Saturday saying that she was on her way down for the weekend.
She's brilliant don't you know. We hung out, got drunk, made cake, got stoned, bought cheese and drank fizzy red wine. I can tell you that this was the best weekend of recent memory.
And she makes me grin like a schoolboy.

Though it was hard this morning, as I had to go to work, knowing I won't be able to wake up next to her for a while yet.
The move has gone very well, I'm in now, enjoying a less than reliable wireless internet connection, but I am enjoying human company, a separate kitchen and living room, and central heating!!!
On saturday, to celebrate my moving in, my housemate, Ben, cooked a brace of pheasants we managed to get hold of, and we had the christmas mulled wine drinking event, which went well. We went through 14 bottles of wine apparently!
And it's my last day of work for the year tomorrow. Which also makes me smile.
Sound like your having fun which is awesome. My xmas was ok - hope yours rocked!!
Ahhh but I think that girl may have had selfish motives so that doesn't count!