Has anybody read "The Third Mind" by William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin?
It has become my favorite book in the last few months and I was wondering if anybody used Brion Gysin's cut up/fold in method on a regular basis in their work.
Am I just stuck in the past or what?
I might get into a burroughs kick for a while so be... Read More
ayyy. i haven't been on a burroughs kick since 8th grade. hey! my friend misha still has my copy of naked lunch! that lousy bastard! i can't remember who else, if anybody, uses the cut/paste method. but it makes my brain hurt!
...in any case, if you're interested in the piece, email me through my sg profile and i'll send it over to you (with some instructions as to a couple things i want feedback on).
or is it today? the day when change is unavoidable and all we are going through. the day the snare tightens enough to cease every breath, or the day the clouds and the sea crack at the horizon and everything becomes some shape of yellow and silver & the big breasted redhead defies her class and goes for the intellectual.
i have no idea what doyle is, but man, i'd deck him. what he's talking about is called "dumbing down". just because he didn't get a solid educational basis in western thought does not mean that he has any right to complain about somebody who did, and used it.
and dammit, ulysses moved me, completely. GRRR. what an ass.