Okay, so im slowly becoming more and more active on the site and I figured I should have and intro blog thing. I'm still having some problems posting pictures(kinda slow when it comes to computer stuff) I've been making stuffed animals over the summer and it has been a blast, I would really like to do it for a living. I go to the Academy of Art University in SF and I'm in my 3rd year. I finally realize what I want to do with art but I found out that thee Academy doesn't really offfer anything that can help me get to where I want to be. I'm a sculpture major who wants to make stuffed animals, but I kinda want to make toys toooooooOOoOOo, so I make creatures out of ceramic. My life is my art and I spend most of my time in the sculpture building on bush St...heheheh that sounds funny.ahem, anyway I'd like to think I'm very childish but I realize that's not the case when provided with adult situations which makes me sad but at the same time happy because I can keep things in order. Happy balance possibly, but I wish I were more childlike, especially with my imagination. I'm looking for friends, i've been in San Francisco for a little over 2 years and I only have a few friends that I talk to and a couple that I hang out with and I'd like to increase those numbers.....but I'm reclusive so....hahahahaha anyway, this has been a lil bit about myself and there will be more to come soooooOOOOOOOoooOOOOon!

thanks for ur friendship!

lovin it