So ladies, Question, Say you were flicking through Tinder or Bumble. You come across my page for example, You see that I have a physical disability. Do you A) Immediately swipe left? (Not interested), Or B) Read my page, Learn I'm a decent guy, and swipe right? (Yes).

As someone who has a fiancé with disabilities, I can say that it hasn’t impacted my love for him whatsoever. If I saw you on Tinder and we chatted and clicked, I’d give it a chance! 😘
You have a very lucky fiance then my dear! It seems that you are a rarity in a world that is currently heavily based on shallow appearances and fitness. But it warms my heart to know there are wonderful and beautiful women out there like yourself that would date someone with a disability. @risky

Just had my Autism Spectrum report... Yeah turns out I'm more fucked up than I thought *Sigh* Making connections with anyone, Especially a date, Will continue to be difficult. People tend to take me at face value due to how I am, As such they rarely give me the opportunity to show my true self.

I'd like to get to know some of you ladies...
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If you want to talk, vent, I'm here

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well in this difficult time. Follow the lockdown rules they're for your safety. Do NOT follow the Trump supporting protestors in America!!! By doing those protests they are inadvertently spreading the illness. Trump doesn't care, He only cares about 2 things Money & Vote numbers. Quarantine is there for OUR safety, Not to interfere with your "freedom" in...
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I admire each and everyone of you gals so much! You all drive me crazy wanting you! Even if it does make being single more painful, Seeing you luscious beauties is SO worth it.


Laying here looking at you beautiful SG's (Inc hopefuls) wishing I could be with one of you, Could do with the affection and yurning for that love feeling, To feel desired, Wanted... I've been single for over 3 years now and it's so difficult for a guy with my circumstances to meet women. Heck I barely get any looks in on dating sites! Kinda feeling...
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Go see one of my favourite SG's in her new set titled "Tale as Old as Time" she looks absolutely flawless, Just like many of you girls on here. Give her all the love and adoration that I give you all.

Tale as Old as Time

You’re right, it’s a delightful set🖤
You are amazing!!! Thank you my love! 💖💖💖