Changing for the better takes heart. It takes commitment. It takes pride. There has to be a force inside you willing to do what doesnt feel right and do it over and over again. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable and chance it all. You have to face the posibility that you will hurt worse than you did before and accept it might...
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*high five*
that's killer. i'ts so true. I love all of that. sweet!
i need to figure out where to meet cool ass, mature, tattooed women...

few days into training at the new job... and still working at my jewelry stand when im not at the new job... im going nuts! waking up at 5am... and working all day til 9pm... winding down at the end of the day isnt enough time haha...

if everything goes well though... this will mean great things for the future...

looking forward to the unknown!
start the new job on tuesday... very nervous... more nervous about taking public transportation to the city than i am concerned about doing a good job haha

we shall see how that goes...

well thats about it for whats new lol... good talk!
realizing more and more each day how important it is to never forget how fragile every breathe we take is...

tonight i can add to the list of "near death experiences"... in a way... as tonights events could have gone a different way and possibly much worse...

my brother and sister in law were assisting me in moving my things tonight... my sister in law...
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been going through some major changes in life... my small business ownership experience is coming to an end... during which time i had lost the love of my life... it was a life changing experience... both of those events... and i guess i wouldnt change it for the world... but its been a very hard change of events to deal with emotionally...

ive started to...
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Updated my profile... got some pics up and some interests... Seeing as how I work a lot... the day time I am limited to how much I can accomplish on here... Looking to meet some new people and find some inspiration and who knows... Dont be shy... Say hello!

Hello! And thanks for th positive note. Love your iPhone case in your pic. smile