Every woman carries with her various insecurities or even traumas because of her body, hair, skin color, age and various particularities.
We suffer a huge aesthetic pressure and build a high self-esteem and learn to love is a daily exercise, we live each day at once, but having to change to be accepted is too sad, If all women are beautiful in their own way, why aren’t they all exalted in the same way ? Because diversity, non-standard women are less loved, less admired, if we’re all beautiful in different ways ?
The admiration must be equal for all and unfortunately it is not so, it hurts me. It is very hypocritical to say that we are out of the norm, but only a few out of the norm are accepted.
But I’m here to try to make a difference, and I hope with all my love that all of us women are seen as beautiful with equality ✨💛
@penny @eirenne @missy @lemon @jacqueline