I think I'm bored with this site for a while. B/f is back, yeah!! Great sex. My thumb still hurts, figure will be about a month till it stops hurting, fuck. Never realized a deep cut takes a long time to heal. Seeing Henry Rollins tonight I think he is really cool. but the coolest is Bill Maher. he is the only sane person on TV right now. Lovin the BBC America shows "Footballers Wives and Bodies".
I am so fucking infatuated with my b/f
I am so fucking infatuated with my b/f

You've just been tagged! Read my journal to find out the rules and what to do next
sorry to hear you hurt yr thumb during sex with the BF! (heh)
anyway... i'm totally missing it... however...shout outs to the ATL.
rollins at the variety? how was that poofter?