Ever heard of The Red Star?

You should've - it's awesome.

Lately, I've realized that a large number of the societal constructions that we live under are just that - constructions, illusions, willful deceptions.

People say "We didn't elect that guy" and "What can you do about the government?" with a resigned sigh.

Thing is, there is no government. What the hell is it, really?...
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And all of us are controlled by the throughts and opinions of the dead.

That's interesting. I never thought of it that way. How surreal.

I love that. It's kind of spooky, but in a good way. smile I love mystical things.
Busy, busy, busy -

What do you do with yourself when most of your dreams actually come true?

Lately, I've been thinking about coming up with some new dreams / goals, 'cause I about got all my early ones completely sorted.

It's an odd place to be in, but fun. biggrin
I get to write the Red Star RPG - life is sweet.


There is but One True God and Kar Dathra is his prophet. - Traditional Nistaani Greeting.
Your daughter is adorable. smile
I never even thought of that. Yes, me as a naked aurora.
There is but One True God and Kar Dathra is his prophet. - Traditional Nistaani Greeting.
Childhood's End

I've hunted clockwork tigers,
sailed the fizzing soda sea.
I've scanned the gumdrop shore,
heard the songs of Hon-a-lee.

I've climbed up licorice mountain,
that rises black from redvine vale.
I've sailed on a piece of cotton cloud,
and fled the banshee's wail.

I've trod the nightmare reaches,
where the bogeyman won't go.
Fought the fabled yeti beast,
'crost himalayan snow.
I've scewered...
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I saw The Cooler today.

It was one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever seen.

Do yourself a favor and see it.
When I Was 3.
I fell in that Pond at San Lorenzo Park
Stories about gambling make me intensely nervous...

Is that a falcon?
A new year - a new entry.

This year holds a great deal of promise for me, I think. I just need to get the cash flow regularized.

We're presently in the Year of the Sheep with a Water aspect, but the New Year, which will turn on January 21st / 22nd will be a Year of the Monkey, Wood aspect.

Translation: Hang on to...
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I could use some wild in my year, I think I'll only hang on with one hand. smile Thanks for the compliment on my eyes. I rather like them myself, given that they help me to see and all. wink

I need any kind of cash flow at all, except the kind that flows AWAY from me, if cash could just flow towards me I'd be a happy camper. biggrin
Spent the last week or two acquiring various projects for next year at a gaming convention in SoCal. I managed to snag a design position on the RPG sourcebook for Christian Gosset's Red Star which is an awesome industrial/fantasy rendering of the Cold War.

Christmas approaches with swift footsteps and nothing is wrapped, though all is purchased.
The sky is the color of blue that I usually only see in my dreams. Dark clouds are lolling on the horizon, but the sun is shining brightly over the still wet, fresh smelling streets.

It's a beautiful day.
Apparently, it's Journal Poetry Day - I had no idea. So, here's one of mine:


Scream and the world laughs at you
Laugh and they'll leave you alone
life takes a measure of
all of your treasures
and revels in all of your woes

Yell and your neighbors gibber
rage and they call you stoned
the spinning Earth has lost
all mirth but may...
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