So here I am....waiting for August 16th to roll around my way. I have decided to actually go through with this and try to become a suicide girl. I never thought i would find the nuts to do this but here I am waiting with my photoset in queue for you guys to review.....yes I'm a poet. I'm a little nervous to see what happens. I have never had so many naked pictures taken of me....but I'm already full of more ideas and can not wait to do this again. I feel a new addiction coming on.
I've been looking at the photos from the other girls who have "made it" and I have to admit I am verrrrrrry intimidated. I don't think this set I have for you is really reflective of what I really have to offer . I have a lot more in me but come on, it is my first set. But I promise promise promise there is a lot more where this came from. I just need some encouragement
I hope you all like it though.

fantastic set!

YAAAAY for girls from Washington!!!
Good luck pretty lady!