Those days i have been feeling kind of sad, sometimes my menstruation makes me think about some difficult issues i have with my own and i try to ignore them even if they hurt the most part of me.
I like this page, the members, girls and making part of this familly but i feel very unconfortable and unloved.
I know some of you are awesome with me, and please do not take this as the problem is yours, but i do not have time for taking the attention you want and i am paying for that.
I tried, as many girls in here, to me more part of the familly and more loved everyday but it seems that will nothing ever changed.
I try do be more featured, answering to all of your comments, messages, never ignoring you (even if i take to many time answering you) i feel and i see that nothing will change, and i do not know the way of making this change.
Probably, i will leave this page.
I will answer to your messages, for the ones that like me, support me and the ones that want to keep in touch with me, here is my facebook:
This is a very difficult decision, but to feeling worse than i feel now is better if i end with this feeling as soon as posible.
Because, i do not know when or what can i do for feeling good with myself anymore, and i need, maybe, sometime "alone" and construct a strong self-estim.
I will keep my accounts active with the same name.
Love you all,