Seems like this is my favorite place to go when im drunk in the middle of the night. Well i must not be that drunk cause i am typing. my plan isn't working. went to the bars on a thursday night. now im drowning my sorrows to the arcade fire lp. what a weird night. partially good. did some shit i told myself i wasn't...
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HAH. Love it.
i will fight to the death for it. or trade it for a better fitting shirt and a poster.
I've been trying to identify the factors in my life that are making me bored/unhappy lately. 1. Social life lately is pretty boring. I'm tired of going out and drinking but it seems like that is all anyone does around here. 2. Lack of people here that really know me or even want to. 3. Roomate/"best friend" is so fucked up all the time i...
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smile Thanks.
All the hot, interesting girls live in Canada. We have this big secret factory where they're all made. They let them loose in the summer time and in september when school starts and then they disappear in the winter time and do "indoor activities" wink for 5 months. That's how we keep warm!
My life is lacking something

more details tomorrow, maybe
Mine is lacking.... a life wink
pep up yo tongue
it's true, you are

but anyways, elaborate, please
So i really shouldn't post on the boards when I'm drunk. I probly shouldn't even get near my computer. Last night was really cool. I was finishing up at work and this girl who works in the kitchen with me recognizes some one in the dining room. So they start talking and I hear this girl mention Aspen. So I but in and explain how...
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oh hun.maybe i'll come visit one day.
Finally feeling a LITTLE better. Need food, and a good massage. So I've been hanging out with this girl for like 2 months now. She is 30 and I am 23, I have no problem with that. The thing is she only calls me maybe once or twice a week and only when she wants sex. I am her booty call. At first it worked...
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Wow, I have TOTALLY been there. I was 24 and she was 33. Fun for a while and then just got old. I bowed out gracefully ( I was just honest with her ) and it was all good.
no problem. we gotta hang out and make that vouch worth it though! cuz i can't take it back. wink hah. the 24th i'm actually going to the bridge school benefit.
I FEEL LIKE ASS! I haven't been this sick in a long time. The best part is that I just started my internship 3 weeks ago and don't know what they will say if I can't come in tommorrow. But I can bearly move so I don't know!? damnit. my roomate has been sick for like 2 weeks, but he is going out every night...
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*urgh* He's such a fuck!

I can't wait till this year of school is over... I've got one more semester after this one... then I'm done for life!

I have gone strait since nursery school!! No breaks... no nothing... and I am so SICK of it! mad

i'm going to try to. i haven't bought my ticket. i should do that...now.
so i went for a ride on my trusty road bike today all through golden gate park. that shit is so amazing, every time i go there it just gets more beautiful. so much going on throughout. i ended up at ocean beach and watched this sea lion swim with some surfers for a while, took a lot of random pics at times. all in...
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that sounds like awesomeness abound.
did you get to see dmst or eits?
ysterday sucked about as much as anything recently has sucked. found out fuckd shit about my uncle, then we went to ocean beach to drink this keg for Dom's bday and the fucking fuzz shut us down. this cop was such a jerk, he comes up and say's "there's no alcohol on the beach, this is federal land, get rid of your beers" so i...
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on the 10th, at cafe du nord. i'm there. smile you should be too!
Did you end up going to see the Good Life? I was planning on going myself but...well, I'm lazy.

You should have told the cop that as an Irishman you find the term "Patty Wagon" to be totally racist and if he didn't turn around and walk away that very instant you would have sued him and his station so fast it would make his head spin. (you quite possibly are not Irish but any chance to say "so fast that it will make your head spin" should be taken without question tongue )
all i can think about today is this one person who i miss so fucking much. he was my best friend/roomate and an all around kick ass person but now we hardly talk cause he lives like 1200 miles away
Ok so i gave the new Faint a couple more listens and it doesn't suck, just different. I've been listening to 90 day men a whole bunch lately, if any of you haven't heard them check it out. amazing stuff. Buy the album Panda Park on southern records. What else, Hella is really good and so is the new Clinic. I got a camera today...
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Yeah, it definitly doesn't suck but it is different. It's hard to follow up from Danse Macabre and make it better without totally going with the same formula. Got to give them credit there. Oh, check your email...
Yeah, it's definitely.. different. I love 6 songs on it, and am indiffernt about the others. And Hella is rad too. Have you heard of The Advantage? The guitarist of Hella is in that band, and they play all Nintendo covers. They're playing Monday at Cafe du Nord with a band that plays all Muppet songs! tongue