I have been so very out of touch with everything lately, I'm starting to feel like I'm looking out at planet Earth from Mars.
At the rate I've been going lately, I'll wind up forgetting my own birthday.
Some good news for a change... my financial situation is re-stabilizing a bit, haven't had to worry so hard. I will have lots more stuff for sale soon, including a bunch of video games.
Not much else to report really, unless you want the mundane details of my side projects and money making schemes.
It seems to me that there have been a lot of surface changes just about everywhere lately, and I am not complaining, yet.
How have you all been these days my dear, lovely, and in certain cases, odd friends?
I need to take more pics soon....... I have lots of misc pics from the last several months, but not so many of myself.
Not much else really. I will be another decade older soon, but it's kind of a cool thing, since I probably should have been dead a few times already. I suppose as long as I don't feel like an old fart, I'll be all right.

At the rate I've been going lately, I'll wind up forgetting my own birthday.
Some good news for a change... my financial situation is re-stabilizing a bit, haven't had to worry so hard. I will have lots more stuff for sale soon, including a bunch of video games.
Not much else to report really, unless you want the mundane details of my side projects and money making schemes.

It seems to me that there have been a lot of surface changes just about everywhere lately, and I am not complaining, yet.
How have you all been these days my dear, lovely, and in certain cases, odd friends?
I need to take more pics soon....... I have lots of misc pics from the last several months, but not so many of myself.
Not much else really. I will be another decade older soon, but it's kind of a cool thing, since I probably should have been dead a few times already. I suppose as long as I don't feel like an old fart, I'll be all right.

You're going to generally pay more attention to things? I wonder if this constitutes a major shift and if you might be asking someone to privately administer corporal punishment as a deterrent in the event of a slip-up. I personally think that's going over the top.
(You see, I have some standards, and thereby made no reference to a colonel of truth anywhere. I hope you're proud of me. Err . . . umm . . never mind)