We had a blast on Saturday. See mngddss's journal for phone pics.
It's such a good think I know when my darling husband is getting drunk, or we would have been stuck on the SS until one of us sobered up enough to drive. Too cold for that shit. I hadn't realized how long it had been since the poor guy had been out and got loaded either. He let's me go out all the time, but rarely goes out himself. I honestly don't understand it, but he really likes to stay home most of the time. I think I need to get him out more often though. I think that one of the reasons he doesn't like to go out much is that there is always someone in the club that says something about how tall he is. Yeah he is 6'10" but he knows he's tall. Honestly, he doesn't need you to tell him. He knows he can't buy pants in a regular store. NO, he doesn't play basketball. It just so happens he is tall. It certainly is not the most interesting thing about him, if you'd quit staring for a second and take the time to talk to him.
Ok I am done ranting. I am just protective of those that I love. 

I'll see you on the 19th, though......right? You're coming to get some culture w/ the rest of us.....right?