Sorry it's been so long since I updated. My life has been all a clutter. I feel like I live in a circus.
So I will fill all of you in on what's been happening.
1. I no loner have a boyfriend.It ended real horrorshow like, Lets' look at the equation 1 sleeping boyfriend + 1 naked stripper = a 2 headed rageing demon (Myself)...
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So I will fill all of you in on what's been happening.
1. I no loner have a boyfriend.It ended real horrorshow like, Lets' look at the equation 1 sleeping boyfriend + 1 naked stripper = a 2 headed rageing demon (Myself)...
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Hope everything works out good in the end.
Have fun with the girlies!

Will you be returning one day? Someone vouched for you at sgseattle. you should come visit
Today was so beautiful out. Me and my bestest buddy Alex had a pic nic at the park with a few of our buddies. I really needed it to cheer me up because my boyfirend and I are having a not so good week. He is making me sad
Guys suck sometimes........Sorry boys nothing against you or anything.
NOthing like a good time with your...
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NOthing like a good time with your...
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you are very cute

you are very cute

happy birthday beautiful neighbor!!!!!!! 

Today was so beautiful out. Me and my Best buddy Alex decided to have a picnic at the park with a few of our buddies.
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So I haven't updated for a while....been really busy. I just got back from vacation, visiting family. It's been really nice having a break form school but I feel like I'm already ready to go back. I'm bored out of my mind.
I'm sending in some pictures to SG to see if I might have a chance...I guess we'll see. Wish me luck.

I'm sending in some pictures to SG to see if I might have a chance...I guess we'll see. Wish me luck.

just get a good photographer thats the trick.
Good luck, darling.
So I haven't been doing any updating lately because I have been soooo busy. Well I've actually been spending way too much time with my "Boyfriend"......Yes he is now my BF......
I'm not too sure how I feel about being in a relationship but I do know he makes me super happy. I guess that's all that matters. I just made it clear that I...
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I know it's last minute, but Drinks...Tonight?

or this weekend?
Many good things have happened to me in the past couple of days. The Red neck convention I went to was pretty fun. My crush and I got wasted and had "alot" of fun...If you know what I mean.
Last night he invited me over for a BBQ.....I don't eat animals but I said I would come anyway. It was so sweet he set up...
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Last night he invited me over for a BBQ.....I don't eat animals but I said I would come anyway. It was so sweet he set up...
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no, you are totally right to dig that....
that was very cool of your bf
1 for man too bad we are at like -1000 haha
that was very cool of your bf

1 for man too bad we are at like -1000 haha
Whats cook'n good look'n?
Tomorrow night Sinovia and I are having a gathering with friends and other SG people. We would like it if you could come. So if you want to come out and play contact either of us for details.
Tomorrow night Sinovia and I are having a gathering with friends and other SG people. We would like it if you could come. So if you want to come out and play contact either of us for details.

Last night I went to this place Studio 7 to see my crushes brother Kevins band "Spit" play. A handful of other bands were playing and I have to say I did not enjoy them. Spit was playing last because we were late loading equipment. (And men think we take a long time getting ready)
Well anyways they got pissed of about it so they...
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Well anyways they got pissed of about it so they...
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Yeah, I'll hold my breath.

Thanks Teeny! Same to you. What are you taking, or majoring in? When will you be done for the year? With your degree?
Take care, good luck, peace, joy and love to ya!
Take care, good luck, peace, joy and love to ya!

I hate having huge crushes on people.....It's horrible. I guess that's why they call it a crush.
There is this guy who I only meant to be friends with....Well I guess that's an understatement
I only meant to have fun with him and now it's getting out of hand. Now I feel like I don't even want to hang out with him because I'm starting...
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I don't like your plan. Nobody gets to have sex.

what are you afraid of? Why are women always setting these mundane artificial barriers in place?
So I miserably failed my calc. test last friday.....Partly because I was hung over. Oh well. I'm going to make it up on Thursday.
I hate school right now.

I hate school right now.

Well Cinco de Mayo sucked ass!!!!!
I went to the Girl Rock Gala at the Showbox and was entirely too drunk. I didn't even pay attention to the bands that played and frankly when I did listen it was awful. mad
I got really sick and was puking in a garbage can right in the middle of the bar puke Then I noticed some jackass...
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I went to the Girl Rock Gala at the Showbox and was entirely too drunk. I didn't even pay attention to the bands that played and frankly when I did listen it was awful. mad
I got really sick and was puking in a garbage can right in the middle of the bar puke Then I noticed some jackass...
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Well thats sucks....I mean blows
I think it would have been appropriate to walk over and wipe your face on the camera phone jerks shirt when you were done.
Hope you feel better now.

I think it would have been appropriate to walk over and wipe your face on the camera phone jerks shirt when you were done.
Hope you feel better now.

thank you!

I am so sick of school
Today I went but didn't go to all of my classes. I skipped...I am such a nerd, I felt like I was in Highschool again. Not only did I skip....I skipped to go smoke with cute boys.
It was all good until I found out that one of them is 16 and the other one is 17........
I felt...
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Today I went but didn't go to all of my classes. I skipped...I am such a nerd, I felt like I was in Highschool again. Not only did I skip....I skipped to go smoke with cute boys.

It was all good until I found out that one of them is 16 and the other one is 17........

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I am old. But I am sure you could make me feel young.

Well Cinco de Mayo sucked ass!!!!!
I went to the Girl Rock Gala at the Showbox and was entirely too drunk. I didn't even pay attention to the bands that played and frankly when I did listen it was awful.
I got really sick and was puking in a garbage can right in the middle of the bar
Then I noticed some jackass was recording me blowing chunks on his camera phone. Why in the hell would you want to have footage of some random ass girl puking??????
Some people are rude.
I went to the Girl Rock Gala at the Showbox and was entirely too drunk. I didn't even pay attention to the bands that played and frankly when I did listen it was awful.

I got really sick and was puking in a garbage can right in the middle of the bar

Some people are rude.
Help........I thought i was the all mighty master of healing peircings but I guess I was wrong.
I think my nips are infected. They are really gross
and they hurt like a fucking asshole
I think i might take them out, but I realy don't want to. I know it's all my fault..........
I had a little too much fun with a certain someone and...
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I think my nips are infected. They are really gross

I think i might take them out, but I realy don't want to. I know it's all my fault..........

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I would love to hang out with you also, unfortunatly there is a slight distance problem.

Tell me bout it. I am living in two cities the same time and moving in one. So it will take til July to get everything unpacked then.