I just got a 3-month "gift" / free renewal*, so I am back again!

* Supposedly from a "mystery friend" but on reading the boards it looks like it might be a technical hiccup as various other returnees are just as mysterified as exactly who gave them the "gift".

It might be a marketing drive, but if so SG are not admitting to it.

New post to say I am still alive.

Doing a bit of scuba diving and a bit of delivery work (bestwhip.co.uk - work out what it is wink )

Not really a big post as I think only one person ever reads this (hiya emms) smile

Wow! Still recovering from a hectic two days and last nights New Year's Eve Unsound party.

Friday evening I was at the Pirnce Albert in Brixton with some friends and met a whole load of local and u75 people...

...Saturday morning I battled through the corwds to track down some Dhafer Youssef albums (Digital Prophecy and Electric Sufi) to give my mate Albere as a...
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Resolutions for 2006.

I'm going to do a proper load of stretching every day in the morning, get a bike and cycle more and start regularly swimming a decent amount to get fit for march/april egypt trip.


(It's a gift membership, nearly ran out, btw!)
Just a quick one - I am a bit drunk and its late...

Today: finally reset my bodyclock after months of noctural existence and got up at 9am...

...phoned shane to sort out somewhere to crash in London this coming weekend for new year's eve etc, - got my new "residences parking permit" (local counil permit to be able to park in the road outsode...
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It's been a while since my last entry but nothing much has happened to be honest, I have not been feeling that great for January and February - probably due to the cold and damp and everyone having 'flu etc. Consequently I haven't been going to the gym - only the occasional sauna, swim and pilates class, but no real work outs or anything.

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woo a comment!

Thanks emms!

Nice to see you back around and good luck with the move etc!

(you know, if I ever make it to being extra buff I will send you some pictures. wink (*spends next five years at the gym*) biggrin
Update! Update!
hmm... so saturday has been very quiet for me.

What did I do? Hard to think actually.... slept for about 10 hours, got up at 1.30pm, then spent another 8 hours online mostly posting on urban75, listening to tracks from the BBC Radio 3 World Music Awards and using Soulseek to get some early Eurythmics tracks. I also found some nice Annie Lennox pictures. Had...
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Happy birthday, baby! kiss
Thanks (belatedly) wink
Hey hey! That was fun - the urban75 bookgroup Xmas meal and the urban75 "Offline" party in Brixton.

So I overslept big time on Thursday till 6pm and suddenly woke and realised I was meant to be meeting people in the pub in London at 7pm! I ended up getting there at 8.30pm but they had just sat down to eat (Indian) so I wasn't...
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The photo didn't work. Here's the link:
Gah! Yes I am the worst keeper-of-journals on the planet (exclsuing people wo don't even actually have journals, natch). I'd like to (re)join the SGUK group but I know that you are meant to have journal entries etc, so I suppose this is a test of how much I want in! biggrin

Actually Emmy has said she wants me to write some stuff, and I feel...
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I am very bad at writing anything about my life frown

Well, tonight I am going up to Brixton to a house warming party. I will try and report back tomorrow by way of a journal entry...