evil day of nonstop do-ing.
rush to work after buying gas only to be confronted with a laundry list of things to get done before i leave at the end of the day. so, i sit, with my eyes glued to the screen of my monitor, moving my mouse hand all about, and my fingers flying across the keyboard. i break for lunch. i break for a cigarette.
no rest for the wicked, i sat for two hours, not moving, sizing, uploading, closeting, uploading words, for two hours, and when i finally took my legs off their perch on the computer tower, my knees screamed in pain.
it is cold outside and i am thinking, since i am all alone, all alone in the house as the boyfriend talks of art and paint and business at his meeting, i have the house and my sanity to myself.
a walk to get coffee would be excellent. this morning's batch is leaving a re-heated tinge on the tip of the tongue.
Just taking a swing at another member who will probably come across that thread at some point. =p