"I wouldn't be here without you, I owe everything to you." Someone said that to me the other day, and although I don't agree 100% it was definitely the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in a while. It made me feel really good for a second, that me doing something made someone else's...life a little better? day a little better? I dunno. That I was a "footnote in someone's happiness." I dunno. It was really sweet. <3
My life is about to get fucking nuts. I gotta be up in 5 hours actually, a day filled with yelling and random bullshit. The next 15 weeks are probably going to be some of the hardest in my whole life. I am not looking forward to any of it. I wish I could be like Adam Sandler in "Click" just forward past it all. Part of me is really scared I won't be able to make it through, that I won't be strong enough. The other part of me knows that some people expect me to fail and I have too much heart to quit. Like my man Jay Z says : I'm feelin like the world's against me. Lord.
Call me crazy but strangely I love the odds.
That's how I feel sometimes, no one expected me to come as far as I have, myself included. I can't quit now. This thing, this fucking hell I am about to go through, it will either break me or make me unbreakable. I am hoping for the latter.
Cross your fingers.
Did a little more shooting today. I'll put up a couple pics from that. I hope everyone is doing well.

My life is about to get fucking nuts. I gotta be up in 5 hours actually, a day filled with yelling and random bullshit. The next 15 weeks are probably going to be some of the hardest in my whole life. I am not looking forward to any of it. I wish I could be like Adam Sandler in "Click" just forward past it all. Part of me is really scared I won't be able to make it through, that I won't be strong enough. The other part of me knows that some people expect me to fail and I have too much heart to quit. Like my man Jay Z says : I'm feelin like the world's against me. Lord.
Call me crazy but strangely I love the odds.
That's how I feel sometimes, no one expected me to come as far as I have, myself included. I can't quit now. This thing, this fucking hell I am about to go through, it will either break me or make me unbreakable. I am hoping for the latter.
Cross your fingers.
Did a little more shooting today. I'll put up a couple pics from that. I hope everyone is doing well.

aw tay tay. who coulda said that to you
i know herrrr. its all true too

hey hun, found a group for photoshop. u should join itttt