So, things are quite good. I am still leaving on the 25th to Springfield... but I won't be getting trained by my ex anymore. Some stupid paperwork bullshit... ofcourse! So I am getting trained by his trainer... who seems nice enough... I just dont know him very well... But one thing that makes him super cool is that I can bring my Care Bear sheets and use them on my bunk in his truck! SO YAY! He is cool enough for that! And his truck is the same year and model as Carlos's so it will make the transistion from one truck to the other quite easy. Eh. I realize most who will read this have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about... which makes me laugh... I love sounding random. I'm a banana! lol see?
Thanks for the compliment
Oh and Yum back atcha
If I was truckin', I suppose I'd want some Red Sovine printed sheets: "Breaker, breaker, come on back ta Teddy-Bear." Oh, those tender trucker tales are gonna have me weeping soon...