Man, last night kicked my ass. Glad it was my last 12 hour night. 8 hours should breeze by tonight. Hopefully I don't get near as dirty either. I had to ride the bike home, covered in grease and sand and oil... ugh. Hopefully I can con my wife into washing the bike for me. It's needed it anyway. lol

5 more days, and I'm...
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Ahhhh... Home alone for the weekend. Time to relax, sleep in the middle of the bed, hog the entire blanket... so nice. Add to that the fact that tomorrow is my last 12 hour night. Whew!

What to do now, before I crash? I'm thinking it's time to run around the house naked! Woohoo!
cool ! enjoy smile
Thanks! I hope it's not too cheaply made. I'm anxious to get it!
You know you're tired when you can't even bring yourself to masturbate. Granted, I did get some good sex last night, but still... Scientists say I should clean the pipes 5 times a week to reduce my chances of prostate cancer. What married couple do YOU know has sex 5 nights a week.

Man, time really drags when you're counting down the days. I'm ready...
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This is going to be a loooooong week. 12 hours a day, for the next 7 days. Will make for a great check next week though! Now if only I could get these credit cards paid off and actually ENJOY some of this extra money. LOL.

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. This book has really sucked me in. A bit over halfway through,...
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lol if i was like 60 i would still be a perv hahaha and i will check the book out tobiggrin
True, I can't see myself slowing down on liking the women. Guess I should embrace my perversions, eh? LOL

Definitely worth reading. It's a long book, but a good read.
Starting Season 2 of Game of Thrones. Such a good show. So many plot twists though. Just when you think someone might be a "good" guy, BAM, he betrays someone or shows he's evil. lol

Man, two weeks until the trip to AZ to get my dad's furniture and such. I'm so excited. It's not even a vacation, but it'll feel like one. First time...
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I'm seriously turning into a dirty old man. I think my doubts about this whole mid-life crisis are being proven wrong. All I can think about is one night with a beautiful young suicide girl. Vibrant ink over a beautifully smooth body. Yummy!

I guess next will be slapping nurses on the bum at the nursing home in a few years. Hahaha!
Couple pics of the new ink when we were working on it. Anxious to get color, but that'll be a month or so away. I would go sooner, but heading to Arizona in a few weeks! Flying out to pick up a uhaul full of my dad's furniture. He's leaving the country to do mission work in Africa, and plans to stay for good, only...
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you look really similar to my uncle
That makes makes me feel like a dirty old man. Hahaha!

Now I'm curious to see your uncle. Hopefully he's a decent looking dude, and not like hideously disfigured or something that would kill my self-esteem. lol

Me nice and dirty at work, keeping this place running!
Anxious for this weekend. Heading to H-town to link up with Chris for some new ink. Thinking the right forearm is in order. Finish this arm. Koi fish, unsure of the color yet.
I would fall in love with the girl who can dance to this song. Ahhh, dancehall!
hello! thanks for the friend request! kisses!