Couple pics of the new ink when we were working on it. Anxious to get color, but that'll be a month or so away. I would go sooner, but heading to Arizona in a few weeks! Flying out to pick up a uhaul full of my dad's furniture. He's leaving the country to do mission work in Africa, and plans to stay for good, only coming back once a year for vacation.
Needless to say, I'm not about to decline a gun rack full of guns, $20k oriental rugs, or nice paintings and new furniture! My dad kicks ass! lol Gonna be a long drive back in a slow ass Uhaul though!
In other news, I'm loving my idea I started on facebook. I've gotten quite a few friends to post their Amazon wish lists. I then send them gifts. The idea is to get everyone to send each other gifts randomly throughout the year. It's awesome getting a gift out of the blue! Maybe I should start a group on here for this!

Needless to say, I'm not about to decline a gun rack full of guns, $20k oriental rugs, or nice paintings and new furniture! My dad kicks ass! lol Gonna be a long drive back in a slow ass Uhaul though!
In other news, I'm loving my idea I started on facebook. I've gotten quite a few friends to post their Amazon wish lists. I then send them gifts. The idea is to get everyone to send each other gifts randomly throughout the year. It's awesome getting a gift out of the blue! Maybe I should start a group on here for this!

Now I'm curious to see your uncle. Hopefully he's a decent looking dude, and not like hideously disfigured or something that would kill my self-esteem. lol
Me nice and dirty at work, keeping this place running!