I'm very shaken right now..............This gal that I was friendly with who dated my drummer and came to some of our recent gigs took her own life on Saturday and I just found out this morning. I have desperately been trying to reach Jon with no luck
MY gf came home yesterday and surprised me and came over last nioght and spent several hours with me which is EXACTLY what I needed. Her brand of TLC goes a looooooooonnnggggg way. We are headed to lunch soon. May not be in SG chat for a couple of weeks while she is home and while I figure out my net probs
Rest In Peace Nicole, you were a really really sweet gal and this news is just hard to swallow

MY gf came home yesterday and surprised me and came over last nioght and spent several hours with me which is EXACTLY what I needed. Her brand of TLC goes a looooooooonnnggggg way. We are headed to lunch soon. May not be in SG chat for a couple of weeks while she is home and while I figure out my net probs

Rest In Peace Nicole, you were a really really sweet gal and this news is just hard to swallow

My condolences.