Today it is off to pay my Texas auto insurance. I finally was able to get my car inspected. The next step is to pay the fees and get the plates. Boy...they weren't kidding when the say "Don't mess with Texas!" The laws here are involved for drivers and it has been a pain in the ass thusfar. However, it seems to be working out now.
I wish my unemployment checks would come in the mail. I am broke and need the money to pay for the car. Once they come, I will be back on track once again.
As far as job goes, I think I am going to do what I did ten years ago and run my own accounting/bookkeeping service for individuals and small retail businesses. It seems like a better deal for me. I will still look for a job, but I won't accept one until it is the right one!
Today, I am in self deprecation mode. I am also looking within to work on my issues with relating to other people. I apologize for being a "bitch" last night. Sorry...I was a little confused as to what was up.
It is just my own shit getting in the way.
I get my roller skates, pads and helmet tonight. Practice tonight at 7:00.
I hope y'all can make it to the Roller Derby bout on Sunday!!!!

I wish my unemployment checks would come in the mail. I am broke and need the money to pay for the car. Once they come, I will be back on track once again.
As far as job goes, I think I am going to do what I did ten years ago and run my own accounting/bookkeeping service for individuals and small retail businesses. It seems like a better deal for me. I will still look for a job, but I won't accept one until it is the right one!
Today, I am in self deprecation mode. I am also looking within to work on my issues with relating to other people. I apologize for being a "bitch" last night. Sorry...I was a little confused as to what was up.

I get my roller skates, pads and helmet tonight. Practice tonight at 7:00.

I hope y'all can make it to the Roller Derby bout on Sunday!!!!

How ya doin?
I'm thinking yes on Sunday but it's Jonny's birthday so I'm at his mercy. Hopefully I'll see you Saturday. This isn't a flametrick show it's us dancing around to our own music. the flametrick subs will perform later in the night but as our back up band. It'll be loads of fun.