Time for an update!

Let's first go back a few weeks. Some of you may know about all of the rain we've had here in northeast PA recently. We had the equivilent of 4 months of rain in 4 days. Many homes and businesses in the surrounding areas were a complete loss. One guy I work with was forced to sleep in his car with...
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I did not know that spiders took down their webs! do they all? i think I'll have to research that one! wink
as for the pile of clothes in that pic...it was a camera phone pic and i didn't notice it until the pic was up....i was cracking up when i saw it smile
i guess i need to show a little more boob so you don't notice the messy background wink
Suprise - you guessed rightfrown

Kisses kiss kiss
Just got back from a roadtrip down near Reading. Bonnie's grandmother was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is going in for surgery to try and remove it on monday the 11th (she's 77?). We had a small family get together with relatives flying in from California and South Carolina. She is staying strong and positive and I'm sure the operation will go well. The...
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That's sad to sy the least. I wish for the best outcome, and hope that everything works out. As long as she remains positive, she will beat it.
I am really sorry to hear about your GM in law?? I hope all is well
We got most of the stuff for our kitchen delivered yesterday. We are still waiting on one countertop and the end panels for the exposed parts of the cabinets. We start on the work today.

Finally got around to watching "Walk the Line" this week. Really good movie, go rent it if you haven't already seen it. I may be a bit biased since I...
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Dude, Jack is too harsh! Now THAT is a woman! And I thought I could party! We need to get together! Damn!
there are some fuzzy webcam pics now... just a few. you looked so sad. ;o)
It's twelve degrees outside and it was 67 two days ago...WTF?

We shopped for new kitchen cabinets this weekend and we decided that our best option will be to purchase unfinished oak cabinets and finish them ourselves. We are looking at around $2200 for the cabinets, counter tops, sink, new dishwasher and a microwave with an over the stove vent hood built in. Our tax...
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Wow, good luck with the cabinets!
Well, we decided to change the design when I got there. He said "I think it'll look better like this..." and I said "Hey, that's awesome, much better than what I had down!". So we went with a better design. It's also left me a little space in the middle for me to add some funky stuff if I want.
The first week of February is gone and spring is just weeks away. We just spent $850 on car repairs for our two vehicles in the past 2 weeks. Combined with the skyrocketing heating bills it's been a really hard winter. Not much extra cash to do anything with *sigh*. Fuck the groundhog, spring is in the air!

Our first suicidegirl photoset has been rejected....
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Thanks for your concern. You're very observant. Thank you.
Brother I have seen some aweful sets which forces me to question if they were "mercy approved" Cthylla is right. The use of external lighting always helps. biggrin
Congratulations!!! That's so excellent. You'll have so much fun shooting the set - I want to know what you're doing but that would just be cheating - I'll wait like everyone else for her debut - unless of course you want to share... wink And kiss love kiss for the lady!!!

hot chick!! Man you're lucky!!

thanks for checking out my set!!
Just watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose last night (finally!). The movie was pretty good but the lead actress was amazing. Her expressions and the contortions of her body made you believe it was real. She deserves an Oscar.

Bought a new digital camera last yesterday as well..7 megapixels baby!

hey new friend wink
Ok, so I usually don't post this often..more like weekly but what the hell.

I've been at my job for almost 2 1/2 years. In that time I've requested only one day off and never called out sick. A guy started last year the day after christmas. He missed 18 days in 11 months. Reasons:

Basement flooded - one day

Toothache - 2 days

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As a professional pervert, I ask you - what's an extra three hours a day so long as you're getting paid??? tongue wink tongue
LOL, good point!
Weekend update part two.

One other thing this weekend that I forgot to mention. Back in June of '04 we bought a 300 CD changer for our stereo system along with a 4 year service contract from Best Buy. After realizing that we still had an additional 200 cds we purchased a 400 disk changer to add to it and didn't bother with the service...
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I had a nice little weekend with my wife. We had a mini-movie marathon. We watched

March of the Penguins
Ghosts of Mississippi
End of the Century (Ramones Documentary).

Out of those three I would recommend End of the Century. March of the penquins was good but it just seemed like anything else you could watch on the national geographic channel. As for Ghost of...
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Well alright! I had to add your one fav. SG pic to mine - so hot - and I simply cannot argue with your sweet doggie's politics.... Or with your musical taste. It's the same old story from here to eternity with the cover bands - sucks. Why do bars play it so "safe"??? I'd much rather see someone playing their heart out than regurgitating on stage. *sigh* If I say much more I'll be giving away my age, but I do miss the old days. I find your honesty refreshing. Welcome to the land of journaling. I hope you enjoy your stay. Most people do have something interesting to say and at the very least, you can take a mental dump from time to time. Anyway, it comes with the price of admission! ;o)
Hehe, that's ok, I stole a few of your favorites as well.

As for the cover bands, if I want to hear the current radio set list I'd listen to the radio. Don't get me wrong, there is some kind of talent involved in replicating songs from so many current artists (hell, my old band was able to do around 70 covers as well, but mostly old school punk tunes and some classic rock songs punked up a bit). But what I'd really rather see is some originality and to be able to walk away from the stage thinking "who the fuck were those guys?!"