I am so bored today! All this snow outside and nothing to do. Who wants to chat or keep me company?
Okay so im taking a poll.... Ladies should i submit sexy photos here and try for a suicide boy?
No harm in trying! I say go for it! 

I am having one of those days where i do not want to do anything. I just want to sit at home and drink. I dont even know why, im having a good day, there is nothing goin on. I just dont have the ambition to move today. I called off work and all and for what?
Hope everyone is enjoying there holiday season and is gonna have a good new year!
I got a new xbox for xmas and im addicted to assasins creed 2 now. ha ha
I got a new xbox for xmas and im addicted to assasins creed 2 now. ha ha
soup sounds amazing you would have to post it tho as i live in the uk 

another long day of work. When will it end. I need a day off already. I gotta figure out a way to relax..... Any ideas?
i vote for beer and monopoly
Old school Sega Mega Drive games and beer. 

Woke up at 530 am and cant go back to sleep. This is crazy!!!! oh well... some entertain me since i cant go back to bed!
Well made it back and didnt get searched this time so thats a plus. I think im gonna post some new pics on here. Any requests?
your face? 

I hate that every time I go to the airport I get searched. I think they single me out because I have tattoos! !! A Guy in front of me had his bag ran through the scanner three times and they gave him no problems. But they pull me for a search before they even scan the bag. Wtf! !!!
thats THE fail right there hun.. Im sorry.. I never get searched
I know the feeling... I work for a sex toys company so my bag is usually rammed full of prototypes and new products to show people... Trying to explain why your hand luggage is filled with ultra realistic dildos in broken German is always interesting!
Well i am getting ready to finally take a Vacation. Heading up north for a week it will be nice with no computers, phones. or running water! Time to focus myself again.
Work lately has just been really long and really boring and just dragging on me.
I need fun and excitement in my life but i cant seem to locate it. Thats what i...
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Work lately has just been really long and really boring and just dragging on me.
I need fun and excitement in my life but i cant seem to locate it. Thats what i...
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Just got home from work, feel like drinking tonight..... ANYONE wanna go get a drink?
Um.... chyeah! lol
OK... so i thinking about posting some pics on here and possibly get some ready and apply to SB what does everyone think? Should i go for it or just post my regular pics 

I'm gonna say go for it 

I'm at work and its so slow and boring. Someone help!!!!
hmmm.... how can i help?