one of my best friends died a few days ago, and the funeral was today. he was closer than any of my family. its been a painful week, but unfortunately, the world doesnt stop when somebody dies. the individual isnt important to the overall picture; social networks, and thus the world, function the same as the brain: individuals all interact in a bunch of different...
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good luck yo... the loss sucks.
tathra, i am so sorry to hear about your friend.
hope things are doing better though. and hope that neuroscience thing works out for ya.

so what sucks is that, after my illegal demotion and suffering through discrimination, it appears that, at store level, there's just a big misunderstanding. but the fact remains that what happened is illegal. hopefully i'll feel well enough tomorrow to call this lawyer and get the ball rolling. thats one of the first steps in getting my life back together. the other 'first step' is...
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so i've been fucked over at work by the store manager and apparantly the owner as well. but the joke is on them. what they've done is totally and completely illegal, no matter how you look at it or go about it. and i'm not just gonna take it like a bitch. i'm gonna raise a fuss. ideally, i'll be entitled to damages for a...
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so i applied for a job with the city, as a Meter Reader; with Veteran's Preference, i have a good chance at getting the job *crosses fingers*. this has the possibility of matching up perfectly with me now being the Assistant Manager at Dominos, because i can 'door hang' (you know those coupons that get stuck on your door knob?) while out reading meters, thus...
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heh well -shrug-
hope you got the job (actually those coupons are kinda cool
amen for the bonuses too
sorry about the free time and hte lonliness dont worry THAT is a feeling i know.
-hugs tight-
hope life is going well for ya man

hope you got the job (actually those coupons are kinda cool

amen for the bonuses too
sorry about the free time and hte lonliness dont worry THAT is a feeling i know.
-hugs tight-
hope life is going well for ya man

i'm thinkin of picking up a 2nd full-time job, cuz whats the point of free time if you're not doing anything with it?
this nagging voice... urge... in my subconcious... why wont it shut up?
i know i said i was ready to accept my fate, to start acting in accord with my destiny, but i continue to force it all out, to shut it up, through copius drug use. alcohol will keep it at bay for a day or two, but the physical misery the day after...
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i know i said i was ready to accept my fate, to start acting in accord with my destiny, but i continue to force it all out, to shut it up, through copius drug use. alcohol will keep it at bay for a day or two, but the physical misery the day after...
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well if what you are saying is true, does it matter anyways. fate will eventually catch up to you and everything will be the way it should be, so what if you are running against the grain right now.
The nagging voice won't shut up because you're not listening to it. It just wants to be heard, just for a little while. Once it's had its say it will be quiet for a while.
Belief in fate is the biggest lie you can tell yourself. It won't sooth your wounds and will gleefully buttfuck you if you accept it. Getting buttfucked by fate isn't pretty because fate always forgets to bring lube.
You better start acting on what you know because it may be 20 years before you get a grip on the bigger picture. You will NEVER KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH!!! What are you going to do in the mean time? Wait? LOL!
Do you owe yourself a life better than one directed by your autopilot? Hell yes!
Is self destruction really a better course of action? What if you had more options? What we've got here is a failure of imagination. A failure to imagine more options.
Suffer as a space cadet or get engaged and possibly enjoy doing things? What a concept!?
I see you've listed no heros. How about asking yourself WWMD? (What would Miyazaki do?) Try filling in different artists, or samurai...even people you hate.
"Oh, the things I've seen with your eyes!" Roy Batty
Belief in fate is the biggest lie you can tell yourself. It won't sooth your wounds and will gleefully buttfuck you if you accept it. Getting buttfucked by fate isn't pretty because fate always forgets to bring lube.
You better start acting on what you know because it may be 20 years before you get a grip on the bigger picture. You will NEVER KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH!!! What are you going to do in the mean time? Wait? LOL!
Do you owe yourself a life better than one directed by your autopilot? Hell yes!
Is self destruction really a better course of action? What if you had more options? What we've got here is a failure of imagination. A failure to imagine more options.
Suffer as a space cadet or get engaged and possibly enjoy doing things? What a concept!?
I see you've listed no heros. How about asking yourself WWMD? (What would Miyazaki do?) Try filling in different artists, or samurai...even people you hate.
"Oh, the things I've seen with your eyes!" Roy Batty
Thievery Corperation - friday - chicago
Sweeeeeeeeet that'd be much fun

Huh?? wha?? What where and when??
I'm only 7 hrs away and fukkin bored to DEATH!!!
I'm only 7 hrs away and fukkin bored to DEATH!!!

i dont know if i like the new layout. computer problems and lack of interest keeps me offline the majority of the time.
things are looking up though. kinda. i'm at the top of the filler list for iraq, so hopefully i'll get pulled for that. other things too, but i dont feel like typing 'em on this busted keyboard.
...well, at least things were...
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things are looking up though. kinda. i'm at the top of the filler list for iraq, so hopefully i'll get pulled for that. other things too, but i dont feel like typing 'em on this busted keyboard.
...well, at least things were...
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i'm lazy but hell i kinda like it once i figured everything out
now if i could just dispense with the remaining lag in firefox, or get opera to display chat properly (actually its opera that hates it firefox moves like whoa compared to ie or opera hehe.)
but hells tis rad and the flash quirks are to be fixed with version 9 so chat will run smooth too
wait.. you -want- to go to iraq??

now if i could just dispense with the remaining lag in firefox, or get opera to display chat properly (actually its opera that hates it firefox moves like whoa compared to ie or opera hehe.)
but hells tis rad and the flash quirks are to be fixed with version 9 so chat will run smooth too

wait.. you -want- to go to iraq??

i really do know how that feels...
-hugs tight-
hey we could always booze it up
btw they like the gi's in this town haha ;p
come on down to fort polk pick me up and lets barhop -laughs-
just avoid the shitkicker bars (cept one its my dad's old haunt so we'd be fine
well best wishes in iraq and enjoy the army duties and such then.

-hugs tight-
hey we could always booze it up
btw they like the gi's in this town haha ;p
come on down to fort polk pick me up and lets barhop -laughs-
just avoid the shitkicker bars (cept one its my dad's old haunt so we'd be fine

well best wishes in iraq and enjoy the army duties and such then.

mc chris - ft wayne - 28 may (possibly cancelled)
mindless self indulgence - cincinatti - 19 june

mindless self indulgence - cincinatti - 19 june
If I leave, please keep in touch.

sucks about mc chris.
but the other show will be rad mmkay

sucks about mc chris.
but the other show will be rad mmkay


so i'm thinking about going active duty army to get the fuck away from here, and get myself into a better situation. and the two top places i would choose: ft bragg (north carolina), and ft lewis (washington); are places where i want to live ANYWAY. the only problem is, i dont really want to be stuck on active duty for 4 years if i...
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yeouch dude -hugs-
well if you have to do such i hope it works out
best wishes and be safe man

well if you have to do such i hope it works out
best wishes and be safe man

Chaplains asst not a bad gig I hear. Thinkin about doing that to find a slot close to home for chillin out. I'd be the first wiccan chaplains asst prolly but why not. Just as long as you realize that active duty doesnt really mean bragg or lewis but stan or iraq.
next week is looking to be the awsomeness. assuming funds will allow it, i will either be meeting up with my old bestfriend, whom i havent seen since, hell, gradeschool, and also getting hammered with another friend who lives in the same area that i havent seen in maybe 2 yrs; OR i'll be going out for drinks with a cutie.
either way, i'll be...
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either way, i'll be...
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Definitely a win/win situation, eh? I wish I was reconnecting with old friends, but they're all pretty far away right now...
hope the funds allow
party hard and enjoy man

party hard and enjoy man

Ancient Romans had automated factories; Babylonians had batteries; they had dentists in the Stone Age... why do we think we're so advanced?
we are.
but yet
still so primitive and uncivilized
You'll get it. Heh.

but yet
still so primitive and uncivilized

You'll get it. Heh.

Thank you for the birthday wishes hun.
And if your non pig self is ever in chicago we should hang out. I can always use some non pig friends. lol

And if your non pig self is ever in chicago we should hang out. I can always use some non pig friends. lol