Gonna be more positive from now on. Some things to inspire me: I have a new room mate that owns an organic, scratch made, catering business so I'm eating good, my runs are now up to 3.5 miles and I'm feeling strong. I'm starting with a new band next week which is great because I have been with out a band for too long.

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So things are still the same, which means I am growing impatient. I have been playing along that everything is ok to help her get through this, but with each phone call in which I get bitched out it becomes tougher. It would be one thing if it actually helped but it is an entirely different animal when all I get is grief. A friend...
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I am cutting the drinking down to the weekends. I think that is best for me now. A six pack and I am good...

We will definitely hold you to it smile
oh, i hope things get better for you super soonish!
maybe not focusing on the bad things could help? idk what to say!
blush blush thanks for what you said in my blog! blush
I think my life has been switched for someones life from a country song. First I lost my job, and was out of work for months. Then the future ex decides she is going to leave me then decides she loves me, too late and a dollar short. Next said future ex gets sick and one possible diagnosis is for MS, which means now if...
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HO.LY.SHIT! surreal

I am so sorry that the shitstorm has walloped you, my friend! Hang in there.

And I agree with what you said on my blog. Being miserable and "suffering through" gets us decidedly nowhere... except to beget more misery and suffering in our world. And what I have learned, to my great surprise, is that human beings are infinitely adaptable... and capable of unexpected things when asked to look at things a little differently. Also, the capacity for love seems to be indefatigable when allowed to grow untamed...

I am really preferring happiness begetting happiness...
"take it like the slut you are " ?!?!?! BAHAHAHAH

thanks for making my day lol
A wedding ring. Symbol of the circle of love. It can also be a symbol of when its time to end. We had a good marriage by most accounts but we both got comfortable internalizing our true feelings to keep the relationship peaceful. We grew fat in this comfort both in physical size and in how much we put aside in that box where bad...
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this brought tears to my eyes. i'm not there yet, i'm not sure what will happen in the future... but there is a lot i relate to here. blessings on your path. and may you find that confident, passionate fella inside yourself! kiss
thank you. kiss
Things have come together nicely. Back in November I lost by job, and although I had been applying coast to coast I was getting almost no call backs. So a couple of weeks ago I decided that I would come to the North Carolina mountains so me and an old band mate could try our luck at winning a musician job over at Dollywood. Anytime...
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...sounds perfect. I too have been missing good music jam pals.

...and congrats on the job ...that must have been such a fucking relief
So one good thing not living in east bum fuck no where, is actually having cool things to do. One of my wifes co-workers won front row tickets for Cheech and Chong, but the poor fella had a test and couldn't go. Luckily we could. Fucking hilarious! My gut still hurts from laughing to hard.
thanks. smile
That's awesome... (and I bumped a thread in Geezers for you wink )
Ohio, whats to like? Still figuring that question out. Some things I do like:

1. Our central location means that many of my old bands, and bands we toured with come through the area, so I get to see lots of old friends.
2. Good Indian restaurants, which almost makes up for that bastardisation of chilli called Skyline.
3. Our house.
4. Uhh??

Well that...
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Thanks so much for the love on my Censorship set!