Now that that's out of the way, it's SOS around here. Trying to get ready for my trip and save a little $$$ so I can have a great time. But other than that there is nothing new and exciting around here.
thanks for the vote of confidence!
i'm still ultra nervous. well i dont know if nervous is the right word. it just seems surreal. that in 4 years i'll be dr. jackie. and that people will entrust me with making them feel better. crazy crazy crazy.
wear the kilt..... NOW!
oh yeah. id definitely feed you homemade chicken soup!
Just bought my Ticket for Hawaii!! I'm so damn excited I have to get drunk so I can sleep! Going to Hawaii has been on the top of my travel list since forever. I was born there and have absolutely no memory of the place. It will be fantastic to actually say that I have been back. The next 30 days are going to kill... Read More
So over the time that I have been generally absent from the site things have been going quite well for me. Seem to have acquired a semi/sort of girlfriend, bought a new 65" hdtv and lost 30 lbs
Don't ask me how any of this happened, things have just sort of been clicking lately. Can't say that I'm unhappy about it either.
the last time i saw a grown man in a kilt.. was in vegas. it was you. you offered to pay 5$ for my friend who looked like a pixie. dont you remember? i do.. naughty boy.
Well what's new with me you ask....Not a whole hell of alot. Same old thing day in and day out.
But I have also come to the decision that I need to get up off my ass and see the world before I'm too damn old. So I am going to go to Europe for a month next Spring. Have to go get my passport... Read More
Sorry people I have been such a busy boy lately. Just know that I miss you all.
Everything has been going great in life for me latley...Well except for getting T-boned on Broadway last week...So I am without a truck for a while...And I hate the fact that I have to pay that $500 deductable...But things could be a hell of alot worse.
AHHHH......Home at last. Vegas was a blast but I always seem to get sick when I go there now. It has happened the last two times that I have gone. Next time I'm going to Hawaii Hope fully in August
No luck on the dates I had but it doesn't really matter. I did get to meet tons of beautiful women And have a great... Read More
"sick" . . . also known as "hangover" is a common thing in vegas , after a few more dozen times you will get to know and understand , and truly appriciate that feeling ! Although I'm sure you already know it well enough
Getting your ass in gear is very good. That was my first realization. But I had a bigger realization as to why I couldn't get my ass in gear and now I feel so much more free. I feel like the hard part is over, now comes the fun part, to decide what to do.
Well well another week of my life down the tubes....But that is not really a bad thing
I am leaving for Las Vegas on Thursday for Viva Las Vegas Should be a great time. Can't wait to be away from the shop and unwind for awhile.
The juggling act has been going fairly well and I have 3 dates set up for Vegas
i'm still ultra nervous. well i dont know if nervous is the right word. it just seems surreal. that in 4 years i'll be dr. jackie. and that people will entrust me with making them feel better. crazy crazy crazy.
wear the kilt..... NOW!
oh yeah. id definitely feed you homemade chicken soup!