Trying to think of things I want/need/should accomplish for the new year. Of course already have the usual stuff like eat better, smoke and drink less, exercise more, get laid more, clean my apartment more, etc boring shit. AHAHAAHAH. Yeah, like any of that is going to happen.
So I thought I just make up a list of completely ridiculous tasks and see what happens. Such as:
Win the lottery.
Hook up with a real Suicide Girl (list of chooses is too long to post and my piss off some).
Get a new car.
Buy a house.
Steal a horse (just came to mind, don't know why)
Base jump off the Sears/Willis Tower, Trump Tower, John Hancock Building.
Eat Schwarma
Hook up with a woman with a tongue piercing, nip piercing, anything other than belly piercing.
Any other suggestions will be considered.