Why are break ups so hard!My ex-boyfriend( of 9 years) split up back in feb of 2005.Sometimes we hang out everything seems cool for awhile then we both end up flipping out on each other!Too make it worse my computer is still at my old house with him.I am taking internet classes this summer so I have to go there to use my computer.I know that both of us truely need our own space and time to heal it's just so hard when neither of us want to leave the other one alone.He is normally the first person of the day that I talk to and the last.We both have been hanging at with other people at times but it is the emotional stuff that really gets to me,sometimes it feels like I am losing my mind!I go out sometimes with hopes of finding some hot boney guy ...I end up being standoff-ish and unapproachable but not on purpose.I am in a weird mood today! It shows I know!

Oh, stop hanging out with the EX. Bad bad apples. quit fucking around.
Take a 3 year break, trust me.