A new city at last, and a week of sun and warmth to christen it. New York City showed its finest colors for me before I left, from beaches to mets games (they WON!) to rooftop evenings and 24 hour fried chicken joints. But I don't miss you, Brooklyn - I was ready to leave. Here I can hear crickets all night and see herons flying by me on local runs.
Upstate New York is a special place. Rolling hills and farmland interspersed with woods and rivers, lakes with natural beaches and swimming docks thrown in sometimes. A rich history still displayed in decrepit grand old public buildings like city halls and libraries, great breweries, the Erie Canal, a growing art scene, and a lot of diversity. Ok, so it's an underdog, but worth spending some time getting to know. Look: state fair pictures to prove it.

Upstate New York is a special place. Rolling hills and farmland interspersed with woods and rivers, lakes with natural beaches and swimming docks thrown in sometimes. A rich history still displayed in decrepit grand old public buildings like city halls and libraries, great breweries, the Erie Canal, a growing art scene, and a lot of diversity. Ok, so it's an underdog, but worth spending some time getting to know. Look: state fair pictures to prove it.

Upstate is hard not to like. Kind of like Vermont... :')
i fell in love with ithica ny.....