so can anyone who's a hopeful or an sg answer a quick question for me? what kind of pictures did you send in with your application? bc i'm really hoping to send mine in by sunday, but i've been really sick (as in bedridden sick) all day today and most of yesterday, and i don't think i'll be up to shooting anything too sexy to send in by tomorrow. i just want to get an idea of what they're looking for. i don't want to be too conservative if it's going to hurt my chances of getting accepted as a hopeful, but i feel like if i try to do sexy any time soon it's not going to work out too well, and i don't want THAT to hurt my chances either. i have good pics of my face that i could use, but i'm just kinda worried that that's not enough. idk. help me out guys.
this whole being sick thing is also forcing me to wait to pierce the third hole in my right lobe to even out my ears, which is bugging me, to repierce my friend's nose (which worries me bc i have a sneaking suspicion that if i don't do it properly for her she's going to ask the first person she can find with a safety pin to do it for her), to study (which i don't necessarily need to do since the test isn't for a week and i'm probably going to fail anyway bc i've fallen asleep through half the class so far), to come up with an idea for a new tattoo to be done in march, and (more importantly) to spend time with my sister from another blister nell nell. we's gon' be sg's together someday! (and apparently we're also getting dinosaur sis tatts when she turns 18? idk i think i must have been texting in my sleep again, but i'd totally do that anyway XD)
(i edited this paragraph out bc i just went back and saw that she commented that my brother had swiped their laptop when she went to pee and he typed that not her. my brother's a dick, so if he said it then i really don't care. this is the same guy who, for 18 years of my life, told me how stupid and worthless and ugly and fat i was, and how no one would ever love me and i'd die alone having done nothing good for the world bc i'm just a stupid lazy fat ugly worthless piece of shit. so forgive me for not caring about this doucheface's opinion.)
idk guys, keep your fingers crossed my immune system will wake up after its almost 19 years of slumber and i'll get better quickly so i can shoot a couple sexy pics to add to my application!
this whole being sick thing is also forcing me to wait to pierce the third hole in my right lobe to even out my ears, which is bugging me, to repierce my friend's nose (which worries me bc i have a sneaking suspicion that if i don't do it properly for her she's going to ask the first person she can find with a safety pin to do it for her), to study (which i don't necessarily need to do since the test isn't for a week and i'm probably going to fail anyway bc i've fallen asleep through half the class so far), to come up with an idea for a new tattoo to be done in march, and (more importantly) to spend time with my sister from another blister nell nell. we's gon' be sg's together someday! (and apparently we're also getting dinosaur sis tatts when she turns 18? idk i think i must have been texting in my sleep again, but i'd totally do that anyway XD)
(i edited this paragraph out bc i just went back and saw that she commented that my brother had swiped their laptop when she went to pee and he typed that not her. my brother's a dick, so if he said it then i really don't care. this is the same guy who, for 18 years of my life, told me how stupid and worthless and ugly and fat i was, and how no one would ever love me and i'd die alone having done nothing good for the world bc i'm just a stupid lazy fat ugly worthless piece of shit. so forgive me for not caring about this doucheface's opinion.)
idk guys, keep your fingers crossed my immune system will wake up after its almost 19 years of slumber and i'll get better quickly so i can shoot a couple sexy pics to add to my application!
I'm sorry your sick...
dinosaur tatts... awesome.
Oh wow thats sort of harsh for her to say though... and it seems like she should know that too. Hope that gets better.
Drink yourself some tea or orange juice and such.
Oh well that's good. Sometimes I can't read! Or maybe I just skip lines on accident. but yay!