if this weather doesn't improve by thursday, i'm not going back to school. somehow i think the professors will understand if i explain to them that i don't have a safe way of getting home. whatever could i mean, you ask?
well i almost broke both my ankles trying to climb through a foot of unplowed snow where the sidewalk should have been, so i ended up having to walk about a mile in the street on a main road. i lost count of how many cars nearly hit me. i honestly think i actually felt the rearview mirror of a huge ass truck clip the elbow of my coat. scariest fuckin thing that's happened to me in a while. oh, and when my jeans got wet, the big gross burn scab froze to them and ripped off as i was walking. normally i'd probably have stopped to take a look, but it really hurt like hell, and i was already pissed about having to walk in the street in the first place. oh, and did i mention that the whole time i felt about ready to puke my guts out? yeah, all that, and i was already feeling sick before i left school. i had to stop a couple times bc i honestly thought i might throw up right there on the side of the road. by the time i got home i had a puddle in my boots up to my ankles, i couldn't feel either of my legs below the knees, i was soaked with sludge flung from passing cars, and my leg was dripping blood.
so yeah, i think they'll understand if i'm not feeling up to doing that again.
i have to go take care of my leg and throw up now. please pray to whatever higher being you believe in that the snow will all melt by thursday so i can go back to school. i actually like most of my classes for once.
well i almost broke both my ankles trying to climb through a foot of unplowed snow where the sidewalk should have been, so i ended up having to walk about a mile in the street on a main road. i lost count of how many cars nearly hit me. i honestly think i actually felt the rearview mirror of a huge ass truck clip the elbow of my coat. scariest fuckin thing that's happened to me in a while. oh, and when my jeans got wet, the big gross burn scab froze to them and ripped off as i was walking. normally i'd probably have stopped to take a look, but it really hurt like hell, and i was already pissed about having to walk in the street in the first place. oh, and did i mention that the whole time i felt about ready to puke my guts out? yeah, all that, and i was already feeling sick before i left school. i had to stop a couple times bc i honestly thought i might throw up right there on the side of the road. by the time i got home i had a puddle in my boots up to my ankles, i couldn't feel either of my legs below the knees, i was soaked with sludge flung from passing cars, and my leg was dripping blood.
so yeah, i think they'll understand if i'm not feeling up to doing that again.

i have to go take care of my leg and throw up now. please pray to whatever higher being you believe in that the snow will all melt by thursday so i can go back to school. i actually like most of my classes for once.
I do try with my men. Hehe.
I know! I love bats so much.
Oh snap man. We got hit by the snow, but not that bad, and even so... We are right with the mountains so we don't really care so much. But that's bad. School needs to be canceled honestly.
Hope your leg gets better though. Leg a lot better.
I'd come by and be your nurse... but from the sounds of it... I wouldn't even be able to make it to the door.
Damn snow.