So enough SG drama. . . now back to my personal journal. My date from last week (hereafter reffered to as "the best date ever") hasn't contacted me. Its understandable, but still a little sad (in a good way, Im not whining or complaining)
It was one date. I have another date with someone else back home. I met her around Xmass, and between meeting her and our date I managed to join SGNY, and afterwords I planned a small event through SGNY and joined SGNJ (and they do truely ROCK!). I have another event for this week in the works. And I started the first ever SG Geezer event back home in PDX. So Im not sitting around moping. I like people, I like to hang out with people and be social. A lot of them like me.
I didnt think that this date would be anything more than getting to know a cool new person. I was shocked to find myself smitten. I dont know if she's "the one" or any of that shit- she's just were my head and heart are at today. I know that if she doesnt call Ill be fine, Ill meet other more appropriate people (ie more my age, closer to home) but right now ( ie 0400 monday morning when I cant sleep) she is in my thoughts.
Moreover it really doesnt make a difference to me whether she calls or not in the long term. I'll still have a good life: an OK job, a nice home lots of friends and even the coolest dog ever; and I know that Ill meet someone and they will melt my heart like the woman I dated last week; but today is not that day. And if someone makes me feel like this and I blow it off, Im missing out my own life. At the moment Im happy being sad; like single malts, you have to have a fair amount of it before you can enjoy the subtlty of it.
And also I understand that you, gentle reader, have never met the lady in question. You may say that there are plenty more women out there; and I know why you say that, because you havent met her; if you had you would know that there aren't. I wont go on, but Ill ask you to trust me on this one. I have met a lot of women in my life, I have dated many of them, loved some of them. Lived with three and married one (now divorced). They were all good people. Heck I would say that most people are good people.
Im not without social graces, or the ability to click with women in genral. Thats not what I am saying. This one was special; she is the love of someones life- even if it isn't mine. Sure Ill meet another woman of her quality, but not today, and I am OK with it. Really I am happy that we had a great date- even if I never hear from her again.
Hell Im up, I might as well make some coffe and get to work.
It was one date. I have another date with someone else back home. I met her around Xmass, and between meeting her and our date I managed to join SGNY, and afterwords I planned a small event through SGNY and joined SGNJ (and they do truely ROCK!). I have another event for this week in the works. And I started the first ever SG Geezer event back home in PDX. So Im not sitting around moping. I like people, I like to hang out with people and be social. A lot of them like me.
I didnt think that this date would be anything more than getting to know a cool new person. I was shocked to find myself smitten. I dont know if she's "the one" or any of that shit- she's just were my head and heart are at today. I know that if she doesnt call Ill be fine, Ill meet other more appropriate people (ie more my age, closer to home) but right now ( ie 0400 monday morning when I cant sleep) she is in my thoughts.
Moreover it really doesnt make a difference to me whether she calls or not in the long term. I'll still have a good life: an OK job, a nice home lots of friends and even the coolest dog ever; and I know that Ill meet someone and they will melt my heart like the woman I dated last week; but today is not that day. And if someone makes me feel like this and I blow it off, Im missing out my own life. At the moment Im happy being sad; like single malts, you have to have a fair amount of it before you can enjoy the subtlty of it.
And also I understand that you, gentle reader, have never met the lady in question. You may say that there are plenty more women out there; and I know why you say that, because you havent met her; if you had you would know that there aren't. I wont go on, but Ill ask you to trust me on this one. I have met a lot of women in my life, I have dated many of them, loved some of them. Lived with three and married one (now divorced). They were all good people. Heck I would say that most people are good people.
Im not without social graces, or the ability to click with women in genral. Thats not what I am saying. This one was special; she is the love of someones life- even if it isn't mine. Sure Ill meet another woman of her quality, but not today, and I am OK with it. Really I am happy that we had a great date- even if I never hear from her again.
Hell Im up, I might as well make some coffe and get to work.
I have no doubts that she's a vision worthy of being kept up at 4am...