hey here's a thriller...
cleaning all day. computer files, bedroom, laundry, woodpile. IT never fucking ends. But here's the motivation. If i don't get laid soon, i"m gonna friggin burst. The love of my life I wrote of below? Still the love of my life. BUt. Bad timing. Like maybe a lifetime's bad timing. We'll see. i can't help it, she's beautiful, she inspires music, her smile is love, we're actually getting along without turning into abashed, stuttering gooballs. But I'm ready and she's not. Can I wait many more months? Oh, I think so. BUt...
So the cleaning is all in an effort to have a presentable place, should my everlovin charm find a happy, willing heart this weekend
Nuf for now
Still lovin all you ladies and how you share so directly Thanks again
cleaning all day. computer files, bedroom, laundry, woodpile. IT never fucking ends. But here's the motivation. If i don't get laid soon, i"m gonna friggin burst. The love of my life I wrote of below? Still the love of my life. BUt. Bad timing. Like maybe a lifetime's bad timing. We'll see. i can't help it, she's beautiful, she inspires music, her smile is love, we're actually getting along without turning into abashed, stuttering gooballs. But I'm ready and she's not. Can I wait many more months? Oh, I think so. BUt...
So the cleaning is all in an effort to have a presentable place, should my everlovin charm find a happy, willing heart this weekend

Nuf for now
Still lovin all you ladies and how you share so directly Thanks again