it was so bloody fucking hot my dog melted.
Poor guy still has 98% of his winter coat, and there is just no getting cool when it's 97 in the shade.
Unless you go to the river park and watch the mighty snow dogs wade daintily into the current, snarfling up water as fast as they can choke it down. Then back home to more misery...with luck the dead fish smell will fade quickly so they can come into the A/ me an afternoon of wrassling them with the hose and shampoo.
and their master is about to drop over from exhaustion, both heat and bike that is it for now...
Oh, and come on out and buy shit at my garage sale this Saturday, especially if you need random plates and bowls...or vintage wines...or old skool electronics...message me for the address
Poor guy still has 98% of his winter coat, and there is just no getting cool when it's 97 in the shade.
Unless you go to the river park and watch the mighty snow dogs wade daintily into the current, snarfling up water as fast as they can choke it down. Then back home to more misery...with luck the dead fish smell will fade quickly so they can come into the A/ me an afternoon of wrassling them with the hose and shampoo.
and their master is about to drop over from exhaustion, both heat and bike that is it for now...
Oh, and come on out and buy shit at my garage sale this Saturday, especially if you need random plates and bowls...or vintage wines...or old skool electronics...message me for the address
Can't make it Saturday, already taken.