from this...
to this.
there was a bumble bee loaded down with pollen, but the fat little fucker was too fast for the camera
it's a sign
a man of twenty or so years was spotted on the corner of Market and 12th pointing at a woman and gleefully declaring, "Lesbian!" He turned to his Cato Kaelin lookalike companion to share. "You see? Lesbian!" He spun to the left and stopped a dark haired young woman with her hand in the pocket of her dark haired young man. He placed his hands on her shoulders, bent down and peered into her eyes. He stood and whooped. "Another! Lllll-esbian!" I continued down Market, dinner in hand. A few minutes later he and Cato sprinted past. He slowed and turned. With a wide smile, he shared with me and the grey-bearded black man curled up on a sleeping bag and blanket:
"There were Lezzzzzbians!"

to this.

there was a bumble bee loaded down with pollen, but the fat little fucker was too fast for the camera
it's a sign

a man of twenty or so years was spotted on the corner of Market and 12th pointing at a woman and gleefully declaring, "Lesbian!" He turned to his Cato Kaelin lookalike companion to share. "You see? Lesbian!" He spun to the left and stopped a dark haired young woman with her hand in the pocket of her dark haired young man. He placed his hands on her shoulders, bent down and peered into her eyes. He stood and whooped. "Another! Lllll-esbian!" I continued down Market, dinner in hand. A few minutes later he and Cato sprinted past. He slowed and turned. With a wide smile, he shared with me and the grey-bearded black man curled up on a sleeping bag and blanket:
"There were Lezzzzzbians!"

Believe it or not, I haven't been carded once since I shaved it all off. Although a friend of mine who is older than me couldn't buy smokes the other night because the cashier didn't believe she was over 18.
I think you should go for it if it isn't too much of a burden economically! It could be a great possibility for you.. with lots of fun projects to do!