Saturday is finally here! Fuck yeah! I'm gonna go right out and... uh... a nap sounds nice. A nap sounds very, very nice.
Today will probably be spent costume shopping for Halloween. Halloween is somewhat of a strange day for me because my family didn't celebrate it at all. See, my folks are pretty religious (Baptist), and while they're good people, they didn't want their children participating in any pagan festivals. That's just too much Devil at work for them.
I only ever got to trick or treat twice in my life, the memories of which I've long forgotten. Instead, my folks would take the kids every year to Toys 'r' Us where we'd get sort of a mini-birthday and then get to go out somewhere fun for dinner. At least they tried to make up for what we were missing.
Dungeons & Dragons was also against the rules. But if they really wanted me to stop, they really just needed to tell me that I'd never get any girls.
So here's to Halloween and its pagan spirits, the ghosts and ghouls and creepy crawlies that lay dormant in our closets and under our beds!
Anybody out there with a good Halloween story?

Today will probably be spent costume shopping for Halloween. Halloween is somewhat of a strange day for me because my family didn't celebrate it at all. See, my folks are pretty religious (Baptist), and while they're good people, they didn't want their children participating in any pagan festivals. That's just too much Devil at work for them.
I only ever got to trick or treat twice in my life, the memories of which I've long forgotten. Instead, my folks would take the kids every year to Toys 'r' Us where we'd get sort of a mini-birthday and then get to go out somewhere fun for dinner. At least they tried to make up for what we were missing.
Dungeons & Dragons was also against the rules. But if they really wanted me to stop, they really just needed to tell me that I'd never get any girls.
So here's to Halloween and its pagan spirits, the ghosts and ghouls and creepy crawlies that lay dormant in our closets and under our beds!
Anybody out there with a good Halloween story?
rain makes me tired.