an act in three parts:
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-bmcc for a semester to raise my gpa i bombed at sva like it was my job.
-suffolk university, boston college, boston university, i don't fucking care as long as it has teaching preparation and i can minor in english.
my major goal for 2009 is to be in a new city by 2010.
a city that i love, and loves me back. i love going to allston and cambridge, and even fucking malden when we have to. i love being in the commons, having a pint in south boston and being made fun of for my bronx accent and being "the prettiest traitor i have ever seen". being able to wear my fitted with pride. the fact that a ride on the t costs less than a ride on the a, c, e, 1, 2, 3, 7, n, q, r, w, b, d, f, v, 4, 5, 6, j, m, z, and l. oh and the fucking shuttles too.
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i keep getting little reminders of him. someone linking me to his wife's flickr page about a picture. someone on tv saying "busetta" (the first word sam taught me in portuguese). being forced to take the j to myrtle one day for some errand and ending smack dab by his old place.
i'm really scared to see him.
a recreation of my new years kiss:
I hope things go well with your plans for Boston. I feel like that, too, like this year is my year to get down and dirty with my long-term goals.