George W. Bush
White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Bush:
Congratulations on vetoing yet another bill* passed by congress. We need to put those liberal Democrats in their place; show them who's in charge. It's best to throw the entire national debt towards the war in Iraq; we will survive here on the home front! Yes, indeed.
Of course I'm being sarcastic, and with that said, I am glad you have only one year left in the White House. You have been a huge disappointment for all Americans and I pity the ones who voted for you. They will carry their guilt with them for the rest of their lives. And for that matter, so will you, if you are indeed not a political beast with no regret for what you've done to our nation - which was, just seven years ago, a prosperous nation - then you are indeed an ignorant goat with a belly full of hate and fear for all that this great nation was built upon. Our founding fathers laid the blueprints out for our nation the moment they picked up the pen and wrote the Constitution. It is all there, for those who question our basic values. And the Declaration of Independence states in three words the very ideals that you so blatantly ignore: WE THE PEOPLE. Your motive is your motive alone, not the American Peoples, who you turned you back on by your own reasons behind this ridiculous war.
As a supporter for our nations military and a shooting enthusiast, I don't consider myself a liberal by any means. (I wanted to get that out before I start lashing out like a madman with a heart full of confusion over where our nation is headed.) The news is bad today for America, and has been for the past several years. No need to explain the troubles that persist, I'm sure you know and hear about them every day, and even beyond reading all the reports on the decline of our economy - only a blind Nazi or greedhead would disagree about the downward spiral our country is in.
I suppose I should offer a solution - that way I can't be labeled a frustrated nay-sayer with no alternative to what I oppose. We should get the hell out of Iraq and not apologize for it to anybody. We had no business going in and certainly no business spending several billion dollars a day in order to stay there. The money we are pouring into Iraq and other countries would best be used for our own Nation. What about our own children? I know your stance on that, given the veto you placed on the children healthcare bill that would give every child in America free health care. How do you sleep at night? Do you actually believe your image is not tainted and will forever be embodied with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and all the other Heroes of our Nations past? You will leave the White House disgraced, with crowds taunting and spitting on you as you walk out with your head hung low. Everywhere you go people will point their fingers and curse your name and you will not be able to get decent service at any hotel or restaurant, much less hail a cab without someone throwing garbage in your face. The name Bush will go down in history as loathsome as Hitler and parents will tell their children of the horrible Bush warmonger who let our country down and gave shame to all who was in his presence.
Like Bob Dylan once said, "We may never be able to defeat these swine, but we don't have to join them!" That implies to you, Mr. Bush, and all that follow in your footsteps. But alas, there might be hope on the horizon. You said recently that Hillary Clinton was a worthy presidential nominee who would suit the American People well, but you also believe that John McCain will be in the White House in '08. Well, I must disagree with you on that comment because after your hideous rein, there will not be another Republican or pro-war president in the White House for the next 50 years, and hopefully longer - as long as the greedheads, war-mongers, and Jesus freaks are kept at bay. Thanks to your rotten term as president, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will be in the White House by January 2009 . . . and you will be on your way out, cast out like Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, forever to dwell on the whorish rein you cast on our once prosperous and great nation.
Anyway, those are my ideas. You didn't ask for them but then again, I didn't ask for yours either in 2000.
Patriotic Citizen of the United States of America
* Bill "H.R. 2082"
White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Bush:
Congratulations on vetoing yet another bill* passed by congress. We need to put those liberal Democrats in their place; show them who's in charge. It's best to throw the entire national debt towards the war in Iraq; we will survive here on the home front! Yes, indeed.
Of course I'm being sarcastic, and with that said, I am glad you have only one year left in the White House. You have been a huge disappointment for all Americans and I pity the ones who voted for you. They will carry their guilt with them for the rest of their lives. And for that matter, so will you, if you are indeed not a political beast with no regret for what you've done to our nation - which was, just seven years ago, a prosperous nation - then you are indeed an ignorant goat with a belly full of hate and fear for all that this great nation was built upon. Our founding fathers laid the blueprints out for our nation the moment they picked up the pen and wrote the Constitution. It is all there, for those who question our basic values. And the Declaration of Independence states in three words the very ideals that you so blatantly ignore: WE THE PEOPLE. Your motive is your motive alone, not the American Peoples, who you turned you back on by your own reasons behind this ridiculous war.
As a supporter for our nations military and a shooting enthusiast, I don't consider myself a liberal by any means. (I wanted to get that out before I start lashing out like a madman with a heart full of confusion over where our nation is headed.) The news is bad today for America, and has been for the past several years. No need to explain the troubles that persist, I'm sure you know and hear about them every day, and even beyond reading all the reports on the decline of our economy - only a blind Nazi or greedhead would disagree about the downward spiral our country is in.
I suppose I should offer a solution - that way I can't be labeled a frustrated nay-sayer with no alternative to what I oppose. We should get the hell out of Iraq and not apologize for it to anybody. We had no business going in and certainly no business spending several billion dollars a day in order to stay there. The money we are pouring into Iraq and other countries would best be used for our own Nation. What about our own children? I know your stance on that, given the veto you placed on the children healthcare bill that would give every child in America free health care. How do you sleep at night? Do you actually believe your image is not tainted and will forever be embodied with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and all the other Heroes of our Nations past? You will leave the White House disgraced, with crowds taunting and spitting on you as you walk out with your head hung low. Everywhere you go people will point their fingers and curse your name and you will not be able to get decent service at any hotel or restaurant, much less hail a cab without someone throwing garbage in your face. The name Bush will go down in history as loathsome as Hitler and parents will tell their children of the horrible Bush warmonger who let our country down and gave shame to all who was in his presence.
Like Bob Dylan once said, "We may never be able to defeat these swine, but we don't have to join them!" That implies to you, Mr. Bush, and all that follow in your footsteps. But alas, there might be hope on the horizon. You said recently that Hillary Clinton was a worthy presidential nominee who would suit the American People well, but you also believe that John McCain will be in the White House in '08. Well, I must disagree with you on that comment because after your hideous rein, there will not be another Republican or pro-war president in the White House for the next 50 years, and hopefully longer - as long as the greedheads, war-mongers, and Jesus freaks are kept at bay. Thanks to your rotten term as president, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will be in the White House by January 2009 . . . and you will be on your way out, cast out like Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, forever to dwell on the whorish rein you cast on our once prosperous and great nation.
Anyway, those are my ideas. You didn't ask for them but then again, I didn't ask for yours either in 2000.
Patriotic Citizen of the United States of America
* Bill "H.R. 2082"
I love this.