From deplancy


Thanks so much for following.  I was interested in your blog post about worrying.  I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to be a worrier, as long as you have some sort of unwind routine everyday.  Even if it's just 2-5 minutes, it can help keep the negative part of worrying manageable.

Whoops, I submitted that response too soon. I meant to add that journaling, or really just writing in general is my outlet to unwind. Getting everything out of my head and filling up a page with it helps me to let go of the worries, and a lot of times I end up working out problems in my head, and making sense of things I didn't previously understand.
Thank you.  Sometimes I find it necessary to give myself a gentle push when I'm lazy, or afraid, or even in doubt.  I'm sorry your day was bad, and I hope it gets better tomorrow.