Nothing like homemade shrimp gumbo and cheap bourbon to make life a little better.

Are you from Nolorleans?

The good news: I found an ugly Christmas sweater with a t-rex chasing Rudolf. The bad news: It doesn't come in my size. :'(

Cut the back down the middle and then lace it like a corset. 
AAAAh I need it tooo!

A man comes to the doctor and complains that his eyes are so swollen, that he can't read the papers in front of him. The doctor proclaims, "My god, this man's illiterate!"


I find myself up again at 4 am. I've been pacing for hours while reading two books, listening to some new albums, and only briefly taking a break to write down notes and order car parts. This is the me that I'm becoming. I'm not comfortable unless I'm doing multiple things at once, especially at night. Even at the bar, I love to focus on...
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I appreciate you sharing this blog. Many are too stuck in those 9-5 ruts you described. Each person should be allowed a "pursuit of happiness". Find what makes you truly happy. Eating less is fine, it's natural for your parents to be concerned. Just make sure to stay up on your health and nutrients. Best of luck dear ;-)

So please, D, do not put me on a pedestal. I'm not too good for you and you're not too bad for me. I won't ask for your hand, and I won't ask for forever. Let's just hold each other for a moment on our way down.


That is correct, I cannot make this stuff up. Due to my finances getting low, I signed up for a fun-filled summer gutting and packaging fish. Actually, it was hell on earth, but I have money again so that I may live. A lot has changed since I've been away, but it's always nice to come back to the friendly faces of SG. First, I...
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Man that looks so nice
Ahhhhh, you were in my backyard!?? Okay lets see here....you spent the summer in Alaska on a boat working for a fish packaging company. You were either a) in homer b) in seward) c) kenai?? Let me know, this looks beautiful! Glad you enjoyed yourself ;-)

In my dream, I see a baboon. The baboon is emotionless, almost peaceful in its facial expression. The only problem is that the wretched creature is chewing on a human arm, and as he masticates his taboo trophy, he stares back at me with a blank gaze. In the end, I both worry and wonder if that stare is out of intent for me to...
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whahahahah sounds like a hell of a dream!!!  good to know im not the only one with really fucked up dreams hahaha :)   good weekend!!

“A warrior doesn't give up what he loves. He finds the love in what he does."

“Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman

That's a good mantra when I'm complaining about being in the OR. Because, deep down, I do love it and thinking of that would be much more peaceful. I like it. 

I have always been fascinated by evolutionary biology and its effect on human psychology. Since yesterday, I've been reading up on interlocus and intralocus sexual conflict. I'll try to write more on the subject latter tonight.

Sounds really interesting, i'll be waiting :)
I've always been interested in psychology so I'm interested to hear more!