The descending order in which I read the news in the morning (or, a close look at my geekiness and subsequent value system):
-Macsurfer: Because any day now, the whole page is going to filled with how Apple has managed to unify the world in one night. Until then, there's gossipy speculation on hardware,
-Suicide Girls: To see if I've got any comments on my journal. Usually not.
-CNet News : Nobody loves me. Everybody hates, guess I just go read more tech shit.
- Google News : Got my fix. Alright, so what's the real world up to?
- Ugh. Sugar coated. Why do I do read google? By this point I want it straight from the wires.
- The Onion : Too real. Too much. Need a counterbalance.
-Back to Suicide Girls: Comments? No?
Time for work.
PS: I've edited this stupid entry countless times now. The first couple of times for my lazy tag work and the other 500 times for my random spelling errors, which embarrass the hell out of me. I have somehow managed to slip an "f" in the word "sugar".
PPS: When I was an eight year old, I promised myself I'd name my first born son "Tazer." I've been apologizing to the idea of that poor kid ever since.
PPPS: That last part was just in case you got this far and were asking yourself 'Where's the inner Atom in all of this?" well, there's a slice. Perpetually guilty.
I'm done now.
-Macsurfer: Because any day now, the whole page is going to filled with how Apple has managed to unify the world in one night. Until then, there's gossipy speculation on hardware,
-Suicide Girls: To see if I've got any comments on my journal. Usually not.
-CNet News : Nobody loves me. Everybody hates, guess I just go read more tech shit.
- Google News : Got my fix. Alright, so what's the real world up to?
- Ugh. Sugar coated. Why do I do read google? By this point I want it straight from the wires.
- The Onion : Too real. Too much. Need a counterbalance.
-Back to Suicide Girls: Comments? No?
Time for work.
PS: I've edited this stupid entry countless times now. The first couple of times for my lazy tag work and the other 500 times for my random spelling errors, which embarrass the hell out of me. I have somehow managed to slip an "f" in the word "sugar".
PPS: When I was an eight year old, I promised myself I'd name my first born son "Tazer." I've been apologizing to the idea of that poor kid ever since.
PPPS: That last part was just in case you got this far and were asking yourself 'Where's the inner Atom in all of this?" well, there's a slice. Perpetually guilty.
I'm done now.
Yaaaaaayy!!! But that doesn't count. He's my roommate. He was sitting here drinking with me when I wrote this.
Are you saying I dont count...