Oh, shit. I got into the sugar. After even a just a weeks pause, it has once again regained it's shocking effectiveness.
Commence hyperactivity.
Got a-buncho-shit done today. Woo ha. Not bad for a sick little dude that's been up since four this morning.
My friend, Kurt, who is evil incarnate, is coming back into town tomorrow. He's like a seductive devil that whispers convincing but bad ideas in your ear just for his own amusement. I can't begin to explain what a self contained good-time he is. And since my life is generally pretty complicated and intricate, he likes to bounce around have good time taking my strings of situations and making knots out of them.
He's a bastard. I can't wait to see him.
It's snowing outside. My car got stolen last year, or was it the year before? Anyway, due to this, I've got four doors but only three windows and I never bothered replacing it because there's something I like about being stubborn and battling the elements. But I love it when it snows because a pile of snow builds up in my rear passenger seat and it always feels like I've got a snowman as an extra passenger. I try to tell him it's no use, by the time we get there, he'll be melted. He'd fare better if he just got out now. But alas, he loves the ride.
So I look forward to greeting my new snowman tomorrow.
Commence hyperactivity.
Got a-buncho-shit done today. Woo ha. Not bad for a sick little dude that's been up since four this morning.
My friend, Kurt, who is evil incarnate, is coming back into town tomorrow. He's like a seductive devil that whispers convincing but bad ideas in your ear just for his own amusement. I can't begin to explain what a self contained good-time he is. And since my life is generally pretty complicated and intricate, he likes to bounce around have good time taking my strings of situations and making knots out of them.
He's a bastard. I can't wait to see him.
It's snowing outside. My car got stolen last year, or was it the year before? Anyway, due to this, I've got four doors but only three windows and I never bothered replacing it because there's something I like about being stubborn and battling the elements. But I love it when it snows because a pile of snow builds up in my rear passenger seat and it always feels like I've got a snowman as an extra passenger. I try to tell him it's no use, by the time we get there, he'll be melted. He'd fare better if he just got out now. But alas, he loves the ride.
So I look forward to greeting my new snowman tomorrow.
Say hi to Kurt for me.
When do you want to go play??
What do you think you did that was silly?? :o
And of course I go and look at entries I missed.