So I made a profile and all that fun stuff.
I've got this sneaking suspicion that I'm violating some sort of sanctum of cool, and since all things can be referenced to Simpsons or Seinfeld, like when George uncovered the underground nightclub for fashion models and the next day it was a barren meatlocker.
I've got this sneaking suspicion that I'm violating some sort of sanctum of cool, and since all things can be referenced to Simpsons or Seinfeld, like when George uncovered the underground nightclub for fashion models and the next day it was a barren meatlocker.
I am rapidly breaking my high school mantra of "I don't participate" but I've got it all backed up with justification so I'm not sweatin' it.
A friend of mine got her journal on my site today. She knows most of the people on there but said she was nervous putting up her first entry all the same. I told her that sounded familiar.