I hate... not having the ability to touchtype else I'd have noticed that what I previous typed in this box wasn't being typed in the box at all. It's a poker up the clacker that.
What form of liberal do you hate. The American style or the European style. I am told there is a distinct difference. Allegedly!
Oh yes... fuck art salesmen, and anyone named Art Salesman to boot. Sack of turds can never price a picture right. Last place I went to, everything was overpriced by 25%. Scarcity power.
What form of liberal do you hate. The American style or the European style. I am told there is a distinct difference. Allegedly!
Oh yes... fuck art salesmen, and anyone named Art Salesman to boot. Sack of turds can never price a picture right. Last place I went to, everything was overpriced by 25%. Scarcity power.