I love it when things start just fitting into place... here's to synchronicity and spring, and a rockin b-day with my darling in LA... Can't wait, my darling Star, Markhead, Stephie Slaughter, Benihannas and a room at the Standard... I haven't looked forward to a b-day like this since I was in short pants laddie!! ONTargit
It amazes me how some people can be so cold... coldenesss is goodnesss is soledness is meaningless is origaMI... sometimes it all just plays away on the oboe, the saxamophone the toebow etc. etc. and if'n ever there was a cure I'd be the last to find out.
Ughh, something is going on with the Stars or something cause everything is crazy right now!
The one I love is a mystery to me, and is not able to tell me the truth about what she is going through. It hurts so bad. Why can't I communicate? I just can't seem to control my innate tendency to talk too much, and at the wrong... Read More